Natural Resources And Environmental Protection Maps
DECinfo Locator is the first interactive tool that lets you see both environmental quality and recreational data on the same map. Launch DECinfo Locator.
Data Set | ESRI Maps | NYS GIS Clearinghouse | Description |
Bulk Storage Facilities | The Bulk Storage Program includes Petroleum Bulk Storage (PBS), Major Oil Storage Facilities (MOSF), and Chemical Bulk Storage (CBS). | ||
Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) Outfalls |
| This map shows the locations of permitted Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) outfalls in NYS. CSOs are part of a combined sewer system, which are required to have a State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) permit issued by DEC. | |
Environmental Remediation Sites | Environmental Remediation Sites are areas being remediated under one DEC's remedial programs, including State Superfund and Brownfield Cleanup. | ||
Estimated Populations within Urbanized Areas for MS4s | This is a map of 2010 urbanized areas in NYS identified by the U.S. Census Bureau. The map includes the estimated populations (based on the 2010 U.S. Census Data) within the 2010 urbanized areas for Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s). This map may be used to help MS4s to determine their eligibility for a waiver. For more information about MS4s and instructions, visit the MS4 Toolbox web page | ||
Impaired Waterbodies Applicable to MSGP | This file shows the impaired waterbodies subject to additional requirements of the SPDES Multi-Sector General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity. For additional guidiance, and help answering questions 6(a) and 7 on the Notice of Intent, see the MSGP Forms and Toolbox page. | ||
Priority Waterbodies List (PWL) | The Waterbody Inventory/Priority Waterbodies List is a statewide inventory of NYS waterbodies which characterizes water quality and the waterbody uses supported, identifies water quality problems, pollutants, and sources, and provides information about restoration and protection activities for each individual waterbody. For more information, visit the Waterbody Inventory/Priority Waterbodies List web page. |
Data Set | ESRI Maps | NYS GIS Clearinghouse | Description |
Bird Conservation Areas | Bird Conservation Areas (BCA) offer excellent opportunities to observe birds and natural resources while supporting the integration of bird conservation interests into agency planning, management and research projects. |
Data Set | ESRI Maps | NYS GIS Clearinghouse | Description |
"Blue Lines" of New York State Forest Preserves | Protected as "forever wild" by Article XIV of the New York State Constitution, New York's Forest Preserve lands have exceptional scenic, recreational, and ecological value. The "Blue Lines" as they are commonly known, are the boundaries of the Adirondack Forest Preserve and the Catskill Forest Preserve. | ||
DEC Region Boundaries and Office Locations | These maps display the boundaries of DEC's nine administrative regions as well as DEC's office locations statewide. Contact information for each of the offices is provided. | ||
Hudson River Estuary Grant Program boundaries | This map displays the Hudson River Estuary Grant Program boundaries of the Hudson River estuary watershed. To find out if your project is located within these boundaries, please type the location of the project into this map. For purposes of protecting tributaries and upland habitat, the area eligible for estuary grants is established in the Environmental Conservation Law Section 11-0306 and includes the counties within New York State bordering the Hudson River from the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge to the Troy dam and tributaries including the East River to Hell Gate, the Harlem River and Kill Van Kull. A boundary of approximately 4,600 feet has been established as a general guideline for projects in Richmond, Kings, and Queens counties. | ||
Potential Environmental Justice Areas | This file identifies census block groups that qualify as Potential Environmental Justice Areas (PEJAs) based on having met one or more of the NYS DEC criteria in the 2014-2018 American Community Survey data. | ||
Citizens Statewide Lake Assessment Program (CSLAP) | Lakes that are part of the Citizens Statewide Lake Assessment Program (CSLAP). CSLAP is a water quality monitoring and educational program that is cooperatively managed by DEC and New York State Federation of Lake Associations (NYSFOLA). Each location summarizes the lake's characteristics and links to lake reports. | ||
New York State Dams Inventory | The Inventory of Dams contains the locations of dams in New York State and provides information about the condition and characteristics of each dam. Any corrections should be submitted to Dam Safety with supporting information. | ||
Water Assessments by Volunteer Evaluators (WAVE) Project | Data collected in 2012 and 2016 by the Water Assessments by Volunteer Evaluators (WAVE) project. WAVE a citizen-based water quality assessment program developed to enable citizen scientists to collect biological data for water quality on wadeable streams in NY State | ||
NYS Medication Drop Box Locations | A map of the current medication collection drop boxes within New York State. |
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