Physical Features:
Elevation: 272 feet
Area: 10.6 acres
Shoreline Length: 0.9 miles
Length: 0.4 miles
Max Depth: 4 feet
Mean Depth: 2 feet
County & Town: Albany County, Town of Colonie
Aquatic Plant Life:
Significant rooted aquatic vegetation.
Parking area is located off Heritage Lane as part of the Watervliet Shaker National Historic District. Trails and a boardwalk bridge are located within the preserve. Shore fishing only, no boats.
Fish Species:
Common Carp, Golden Shiner, Yellow Bullhead, Brown Bullhead, Pumpkinseed, Bluegill, Largemouth Bass, White Crappie, Black Crappie, Yellow Perch
The pond can provide some good action for panfish and largemouth bass.