The Ausable River tributary to Lake Champlain is located in the northeastern portion of the Adirondack Park. Most of the fishing action for salmon occurs during spring on the flatwater section from the Route 9 bridge downstream two miles to the river's mouth. Fall run salmon migrate to the rapids and pools near Rainbow Falls located upstream of the Route 9 bridge. For more details on when and how to fish for salmon in the Ausable River, visit the Lake Champlain Tributaries Salmon Fishing overview page.
Seaworthy boats can launch at the state boat ramp in Peru and navigate a potentially stormy section of Lake Champlain to reach the Ausable's river mouth. Portage-sized boats can be carried from a parking area in the Ausable Point Campground to the river itself, avoiding the lake.
Access is primarily unavailable along areas upstream from the Route 9 bridge, as these areas are all privately owned sections of the river. While landowners near the Route 9 bridge have to date allowed fishing, much of the river further upstream, including the Ausable Chasm reach, is not available to the public for fishing.
Anglers should check the Ausable River Flows on the US Geological Survey website before wading or accessing the water.
Lake Champlain and Tributaries Special Fishing Regulations Apply. Anglers are reminded that fall regulations restrict the use of weighted baits, lures, and flies.