Physical Features:
Elevation: 935 feet
Area: 239 acres
Shoreline Length: 4.9 miles
Length: 1 mile
Max Depth: 16 feet
Mean Depth: 8.8 feet
County & Town: Albany County, Town of Westerlo
Aquatic Plant Life:
Significant rooted aquatic vegetation in north and south end of lake.
Parking areas on both sides of Route 404. There is also a dirt road that leads to the dam. Along the dirt road there are wheelchair accessible fishing sites.
Must obtain access permit from City of Albany - (518) 434-5300. Access is available from dawn to dusk.
Fish Species:
American Eel, Northern Pike, Chain Pickerel, Golden Shiner, Common Shiner, White Sucker, Yellow Bullhead, Brown Bullhead, Pumpkinseed, Bluegill, Smallmouth Bass, Largemouth Bass, Black Crappie, Yellow Perch, Walleye
The reservoir is a popular shorefishing destination in the capital region. Catches mainly consist of largemouth bass and panfish. Some good catches have been reported soon after the reservoir was reopened to fishing.
Ice Fishing:
Prohibited by City of Albany.
Statewide Fishing Regulations Apply.
In addition, worms & artificial lures only (City of Albany restriction). No ice fishing. No boating.