Physical Features:
Elevation: 1,758 feet
Area: 15.6 acres
Shoreline Length: 0.5 miles
Length: 0.22 miles
Max Depth: 15 feet
Mean Depth: N/A
County & Town: Otsego County, Town of Burlington
Aquatic Plant Life:
Abundant rooted aquatic vegetation.
Located in Basswood Pond State Forest on Conservation Road. Small park and fishing dock on southwest corner of pond.
For more information on this launch including Google Maps driving directions, visit the Boat Launch Sites for Otsego County page.
Accessible Features
From the Basswood Pond Parking Area, wheelchair accessible features include the:
- Fishing/viewing platform;
- Picnic area; and
- Portable toilet (seasonal)
The fishing platform and picnic area are approximately 250 feet from the parking lot.
Visit the DEC Accessible Recreation Destinations web page for additional accessible recreation opportunities.
Fish Species:
Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, Golden Shiner, Bluntnose Minnow, Fathead Minnow, Brown Bullhead, Pumpkinseed, Largemouth Bass
Basswood Pond is most popular for its trout fishing. The pond has been reclaimed numerous times due to illegal stocking of non-trout species. Since the last reclamation, the pond is managed for both warm and cold water species. Annually stocked with approximately 350 brown trout 8-15" in length and 100 rainbow trout 8-10" in length.
Review the Basswood Pond Salmonid Netting Survey Report (PDF) for details on coldwater and warmwater species currently present in this water and how DEC manages the fisheries.
Ice Fishing: