The fourth largest of the Finger Lakes, Canandaigua Lake is located 29 miles southeast of the city of Rochester. Referred to as The Chosen Spot by Native Americans, Canandaigua lies within Ontario and Yates counties. The lake is bordered on the north by the city of Canandaigua, and on the south by the settlement of Woodville.
Physical Features
Elevation: 688 feet
Area: 10,558 acres
Length: 15.5 miles
Maximum width: 1.5 miles
Maximum depth: 276 feet
Thermocline: about 35 feet
County and Town: Ontario and Yates Counties, Towns of Canandaigua, South Bristol and Woodville
Aquatic Vegetation
Rooted aquatic vegetation is confined mainly to shallow north and south ends of the lake. In these areas Eurasian milfoil is the dominant species. Other species include: pondweeds, stoneworts and musk grass. Limited weedbeds are also found in covers and along some shorelines where the bottom slope is gradual.
Accessible Features
From the Route 21 Parking Area, wheelchair accessible features include the:
- Trailered boat launch with dock;
- Hand boat launch with dock and kayak slide; and
- Portable toilet (seasonal)
Visit the DEC Accessible Recreation Destinations web page for additional accessible recreation opportunities.
Public Access Sites
Canandaigua Lake State Marine Park- Located off Route 5 and 20 in the city of Canandaigua. Hard surface ramps; parking for 110 cars and trailers; a launch fee is charged. Operated by the office and Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation.
Woodville- Located on Route 21, 3 miles north of Naples at Woodville. Hard surface ramps; parking for 86 cars and trailers, no charge. Operated by the DEC. Maintained year round and provides parking for ice fishing when ice conditions allow.
West River- Located on West River, just off Route 245 on Sunnyside Road near trailer park. Hand launch only; parking for 5 cars. Operated by the DEC.
Onanda- Located on West Lake Road, 6.5 miles south of the city of Canandaigua. Hard surface ramp; parking for 25 cars and trailers. Restricted to winter launching, and then only when state park site at north end is not useable. DEC site. Operated by the Town of Canandaigua. Maintained year round and provides parking for ice fishing when ice conditions allow.
For more information on these launches including Google Maps driving directions, visit the Boat Launch Sites for Ontario County page.
Fish Species
Alewife, Black Crappie, Bluegill, Brown Bullhead, Brown Trout, Chain Pickerel, Lake Trout, Largemouth Bass, Pumpkinseed, Rainbow Trout, Rock Bass, Smallmouth Bass, Smelt, Yellow Perch
Fishing Regulations
Finger Lakes and Tributary Fishing Regulations Apply.
Fish Management
For many years the lake trout was the only salmonid in Canandaigua Lake. During this time, the lake also supported fisheries for lake whitefish and burbot. Smelt, stocked as an additional food source, were planted by the Conservation Department (now DEC) in 1925, and rainbow trout were added in 1936. By 1953 alewives became established in the lake via unknown sources. The success of the introduced smelt and particularly, alewives, led to improved growth of adult lake and rainbow trout and set the stage for successful brown trout introduction (begun in the early 1970s).
Currently, Canandaigua Lake supports important fisheries for lake trout, brown trout and rainbow trout. "Lakers" and "brown" are maintained by annual stocking, but the rainbow trout fishery is sustained entirely by natural reproduction, mostly in Naples Creek and its tributaries.
In addition to its popular trout fisheries, Canandaigua produces some excellent angling for largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, chain pickerel and panfish, including yellow perch, blue gills, pumpkinseed, rock bass, black crappie and bullheads.
An ongoing angler diary cooperator program for gamefish provides DEC fisheries staff with useful data on population trends.