- Open for Recreation: Year-round
- Fee: Free
- Contact Information:
- DEC Region 4 Schenectady Office (M-F, 8:30AM - 4:30PM), (518) 357-2158; [email protected]
- Search, rescue, wildfire, and enforcement matters: 911- or - 1-833-NYS-RANGERS (1-833-697-7264)
A local Forest Ranger is a valuable source of information for the state land you would like to visit.
- Location: Town of Catskill, Greene County; Town of Saugerties, Ulster County
- Wildlife Management Unit: 3J
- Map: Great Vly WMA Map (PDF) || Google Earth || DECinfo Locator
The primary purposes of Great Vly Wildlife Management Area (WMA) are for wildlife management, wildlife habitat management, and wildlife-dependent recreation. This WMA consists of 184 acres, most of which are freshwater wetland. There are about 7 acres of mature forested upland and early successional forest at the southwest corner of the property. The first portion of the WMA was acquired in 1986 from Scenic Hudson. The WMA can be accessed from West Camp Road. Great Vly consists primarily of freshwater emergent marsh. Because of its proximity to the Hudson River, it is an important area for waterfowl and other water-dependent birds such as rails and herons, especially during migration. The property also includes a limited amount of forested upland, including a rocky ridge that overlooks the Vly and provides excellent viewing opportunities.