Hunts Pond is a small, shallow, weedy lake located in Chenango County just south of New Berlin. Hunts Pond is part of the 1,397 acre Hunts Pond State Forest area.
Physical Features:
Elevation: 1,500 feet
Area: 50.2 acres
Shoreline Length: 1.3 miles
Length: 0.23 miles
Maximum Depth: 12 feet
County and Town: Chenango County, Town of New Berlin
Aquatic Plant Life:
Very abundant rooted aquatic vegetation throughout the pond.
Hunts Pond State Forest, off Pond Road. Beach launch. Electric motors only.
For more information on this launch including Google Maps driving directions, visit the Boat Launch Sites for Chenango County page.
Fish Species:
Chain pickerel, largemouth bass, pumpkinseed sunfish, bluegill, rock bass, black crappie, yellow perch, brown bullhead and golden shiner.
Because of the abundant vegetation, fishing early or late in the season is recommended. Using weed less lures if fishing for chain pickerel or largemouth bass is also recommended.
Statewide Fishing Regulations Apply.
Fisheries Management:
Hunts Pond is not stocked.
2014 Fisheries Survey
A fisheries survey of Hunt's Pond in Chenango County was conducted in May 2014. This survey was completed because the pond had never had a formal fisheries survey before, and it is a moderately popular fishing destination. The survey showed that bluegill were by far the most prevalent species in the pond, followed by pumpkinseed and largemouth bass. The growth rates for pumpkinseed were consistently slightly better than the reported statewide average, while largemouth bass grew a bit slower. Bluegill growth rate was approximately average, varying slightly above and below the state mean values. Largemouth bass over 10 inches were caught at a rate of 48 fish per hour. Pumpkinseeds and bluegills were caught at 97 and 248 per hour, respectively. The current statewide angling regulations appear to be appropriate to maintain the fishery.