- Open for recreation: Year-round
- Fee: Free
- Contact Information:
- DEC Region 7 Cortland Office: (M-F, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM), (607) 753-3095; [email protected]
- Search, rescue, wildfire, and enforcement matters: 911- or - 1-833-NYS-RANGERS (1-833-697-7264)
A local Forest Ranger is a valuable source of information for the state land you would like to visit.
- Location: Towns of Harford, Lapeer and Virgil, Cortland County
- Wildlife Management Unit: 7R
- Map: Kennedy State Forest Map (GeoPDF) - GeoPDF Instructions || Google Earth || DECinfo Locator
James Kennedy State Forest is comprised of 4,507 acres and was named in memory of the District Forester James D. Kennedy. There are many recreational resources on the forest, including snowmobile trails, a portion of the Finger Lakes Trail, and a cross-country ski trail.
There are also three public forest access roads (PFARs) within the forest. They are: Scutt (2.1 miles in length), Courtney Hill (0.8 miles in length), and Cotton Hanlon (0.9 miles in length). PFARs are permanent unpaved roads that are open to public for various recreational uses unless gated or otherwise noted.