Dates of Operation (Glen Island):
- Opening Date: May 16
- Closing Date: October 13
- Dates of Operation (Long Island):
- Opening Date: May 16
- Closing Date: September 7
- Dates of Operation (Narrow Island):
- Opening Date: May 16
- Closing Date: September 14
- Camping Fee: $28 per night (out of state residents surcharge additional $5 per night)
- County: Warren
- Campground Phone (Glen Island): (518) 644-9696
- Campground Phone (Long Island): (518) 646-1618
- Campground Phone (Narrow Island): (518) 499-1288
- Regional Office Phone: (518) 623-1200
- Make Your Camping Reservation (Glen Island): ReserveAmerica
- Make Your Camping Reservation (Long Island): ReserveAmerica
- Make Your Camping Reservation (Narrow Island): ReserveAmerica
- Maps: Glen Island Campground Map (PDF) || Long Island Campground Map (PDF) ||Narrow Island Campground Map (PDF) || DECinfo Locator
Firewood Restriction Map (PDF) shows the 50-mile radius from which untreated firewood may be moved to this campground. Help prevent the spread of invasive pests and diseases by following New York's firewood regulation.
The Lake George Island Campgrounds (Glen, Long, and Narrow Islands) are boat access only campgrounds located on Lake George. Dogs are prohibited on any of the islands, docks and on vessels moored at docks. This also includes the 25 campsites located in the Glen Island group located on the mainland.
Visitors to the Lake George Area should be aware of actions they can take to reduce the transport of aquatic invasives. Please visit Protect Lake George website(live link on right) and DEC Fisheries for more information.
BE ADVISED: Effective immediately, there will be a $3/night refuse surcharge imposed for Lake George Island camping permits. The surcharge is necessary to cover the rising operating costs and allow the Department to continue the current program of refuse management on Lake George. This fee is incorporated into the nightly camping fee.
Located on the "Queen" of American Lakes, Lake George, the Lake George Islands offers a unique experience to campers. Lake George Islands campsites are accessible by boat only and are spread out over much of the lake. They are divided into three groups, Glen, Long and Narrow. Each group has its own headquarters to make site registration as convenient as possible. After choosing the area you want to camp in, you need to go to a private marina to park and launch. A fee is usually charged for both. Fishing, hiking, bird watching, boating and sailing are included in the many activities campers enjoy. Please note that dogs are prohibited on any of the islands, docks and on vessels moored at docks.