- Open for recreation: Year-round
- Fee: Free
- Contact Information:
- DEC Region Sherburne 7 Office (M-F, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM), (607) 674-4017; [email protected]
- Search, rescue, wildfire, and enforcement matters: 911- or - 1-833-NYS-RANGERS (1-833-697-7264)
A local Forest Ranger is a valuable source of information for the state land you would like to visit.
- Location: Town of Smithville, Chenango County
- Wildlife Management Unit: 7M
- Map: Long Pond State Forest Map (GeoPDF) - GeoPDF Instructions || Google Earth || DECinfo Locator
The 3,254-acre Long Pond State Forest offers a wide variety of habitats and recreational opportunities. The focal point of recreation on the forest is the 117-acre Long Pond.
Four miles of NYS snowmobile corridor trail pass through the forest. Several steel girder bridges have been constructed to enhance trail grooming. Snowmobilers, as well as hikers and equestrians, are welcome on the designated snowmobile trail during appropriate seasons. In addition, hunting for big and small game is a popular pursuit on the property. You can expect to encounter interesting terrain with many different plant and wildlife species.