Physical Features:
Elevation: 2,010 feet
Area: 22 acres
Shoreline Length: 0.15 miles
Max Depth: 10 feet
County and Town: Schoharie County, Town of Fulton
Aquatic Plant Life:
Minimal rooted aquatic vegetation.
Hand launch off Rossman Hill Road.
For more information on this launch including Google Maps driving directions, visit the Boat Launch Sites for Schoharie County page.
Accessible Features
From the Looking Glass Pond Main Parking Area on Rossman Hill Road, wheelchair accessible features include the:
- Two fishing/viewing platforms;
- Picnic area; and
- Portable toilet (seasonal)
Visit the DEC Accessible Recreation Destinations web page for additional accessible recreation opportunities.
Fish Species:
Golden Shiner, Brown Bullhead, Largemouth Bass
Looking Glass Pond has a modest warmwater fish community. A fisheries survey during the spring of 2015 only captured golden shiners and brown bullhead; however, there have been reports of some largemouth bass being caught. The pond was restocked with legal sized largemouth bass in summer, 2016.
Ice Fishing: