Physical Features:
Elevation: 2,132 feet
Area: 84 acres
Shoreline Length: 2.3 miles
Length: 0.87 miles
Max Depth: 12 feet
Mean Depth: 5.6 feet
County and Town: Greene County, Town of Hunter
Aquatic Plant Life:
Limited rooted aquatic vegetation.
North-South Lake State Campground (DEC) boat launch is 2 miles east of Haines Falls at the end of County Route 18. (Located at the far east end of North Lake by the beach.) No motors allowed. Hard surface ramp. Day use fee in season. Open when campground is operating. Boat rentals available. 20 cars & trailers.
For more information on this launch including Google Maps driving directions, visit the Boat Launch Sites for Greene County page.
Accessible Features
From the Day Use Area - South Lake, wheelchair accessible features include the:
- Hand boat launch with dock and kayak slide;
- Boat rental facilities; and
- Picnic pavilion
Visit the DEC Accessible Recreation Destinations web page for additional accessible recreation opportunities.
Fish Species:
Black Crappie, Chain Pickerel, Tiger Muskellunge, Golden Shiner, Brown Bullhead, Pumpkinseed, Largemouth Bass, Yellow Perch
Lake provides excellent fishing for panfish and bullhead and is a great place to take the kids. Recent annual stockings of approximately 300 tiger muskellunge 10-11" in length should provide anglers with the opportunity to hook one of these fast growing fish.
Ice Fishing: