Dates of Operation:
- Opening Date: May 16
- Closing Date: October 13
- Camping Fee: $22 per night (out of state residents surcharge additional $5 per night)
- Address: 328 Houseman Street, Mayfield, NY 12117 (directions below)
- County: Fulton
- GPS Info. (Latitude, Longitude): 43 11 20.85182N, 074 10 31.31115W
- Campground Phone: (518) 863-6000
- Regional Office Phone: (518) 863-4545
- Make Your Camping Reservation: ReserveAmerica
- Map: Northampton Beach Campground and Day Use Area Map (PDF) || DECinfo Locator
Firewood Restriction Map (PDF) shows the 50-mile radius from which untreated firewood may be moved to this campground. Help prevent the spread of invasive pests and diseases by following New York's firewood regulation.
Located on the northwest corner of 29 mile long Great Sacandaga Lake, this campground offers a variety of large, level camping sites, from the secluded within the tall white pines and northern hardwoods, to the openness of the sandy shoreline. The campground offers: a Junior Naturalist program, a nature based program that encourages children to explore the surrounding environment; a large craft boat launch; a natural sand beach with guarded swimming area from mid-June to Labor Day; rowboat, canoe, and kayak rentals on the premises; and a large picnic area with pavilion. Excellent fishing and water sport opportunities.