Physical Features:
Elevation: 1,448 feet
Area: 213 acres
Shoreline Length: 5.9 miles
Max Depth: 65 feet
Mean Depth: 21 feet
County and Town: St. Lawrence County, Town of Fine
DEC hand launch site off NYS Route 3 in the Village of Star Lake. Electric motors only.
For more information on this launch including Google Maps driving directions, visit the Boat Launch Sites for St. Lawrence County page.
Fish Species:
Rainbow Trout, Lake Trout, Atlantic Salmon, Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass
Star Lake is managed as a cold water fishery with various trout and salmon stocked annually. Rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon generally average 16-18". However, some of the older lake trout can top 30". Smallmouth bass are abundant and provide the bulk of the warmer water fishery. Largemouth bass are present but in relatively small numbers.