Physical Features:
Elevation: 653 feet
Area: 324 acres
Shoreline Length: 3.9 miles
Max Depth: 142 feet
Mean Depth: 70 feet
County and Town: St. Lawrence County, Town of Fowler
DEC beach launch off Route 812 between the Hamlets of Fowler and Balmat. Site provided via Fish and Wildlife Management Area (FWMA) agreement with Zinc Corporation of America.
For more information on this launch including Google Maps driving directions, visit the Boat Launch Sites for St. Lawrence County page.
Fish Species:
Lake Trout, Rainbow Trout, Smallmouth Bass, Largemouth Bass
Sylvia Lake is not only deep, it has very steep sides with limited near shore habitat. Smallmouth bass are abundant and can be caught along most of the shoreline area where steep drops and rock rubble habitat abounds. Largemouth bass are present, but prime habitat is somewhat restricted to the South end near the outlet. Lake trout are native stocks whereas the rainbow trout are stocked annually. Fishing deep will be effective for both species, but the rainbows have been known to feed at the surface even in the summer.