Including Watson's East Triangle Wild Forest and the Croghan and Oswegatchie Conservation Easement Tracts

- Open for Recreation: Generally year-round; please see Specific Rules below for restrictions. Please respect posted signs.
- Fee: Free
- Contact Information:
- DEC Region 6 Lowville Office (M-F, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM), 315-376-3521; [email protected]
- Search, rescue, wildfire, and enforcement matters: 911 or 1-833-NYS-RANGERS (1-833-697-7264)
A local Forest Ranger is a valuable source of information for the state land you would like to visit.
- Location: Town of Webb, Herkimer County and Towns of Croghan, Diana and Watson, Lewis County
- Wildlife Management Unit: 6J
- Map: Watson's East Triangle Wild Forest Map (GeoPDF) - GeoPDF Instructions || Croghan Tract Conservation Easement Map (GeoPDF) || Oswegatchie Conservation Easement Map (GeoPDF) || Google Earth || DECinfo Locator
The Watson's East Triangle Complex includes approximately 43,000 acres of Forest Preserve and conservation easement lands that are almost entirely within the Adirondack Park. The complex is comprised of:
- Watson's East Triangle Wild Forest
- Croghan Tract Conservation Easement
- Oswegatchie Conservation Easement
The Watson's East Triangle Wild Forest (WETWF) contains over 13,000 acres of Adirondack Forest Preserve lands split between two parcels. The terrain generally consists of rolling hills. Long Pond Road bisects the smaller parcel, located in Lewis County. Bear Pond Road and Tunnel Road (accessed from Oswegatchie Conservation Easement) lead into the Herkimer County portion of the unit. Several spur roads provide access to ponds and campsites. Bear Pond Road also provides access to the neighboring Five Ponds and Pepperbox Wildernesses.
The Bear Pond Primitive Corridor is open to public motor vehicle use for 1 mile beyond the Watson's East Triangle WF boundary (to the Upper South Pond Trailhead). Beyond this point, motor vehicle access is limited to private in-holder access.
The Tied Lake Primitive Corridor leads into the Pepperbox Wilderness, 0.1 miles beyond the Watson's East Triangle WF boundary. The corridor leads south and public motor vehicles may drive to Tied Lake. Beyond Tied Lake, motor vehicle access is limited to private in-holder access.
Conservation easement lands are private property with an easement held by the DEC on behalf of the people of New York State. Conservation easements allow the properties to remain working forests while also providing public recreation opportunities. Public use is limited, however. Every conservation easement is different - please know what recreation is permitted on the property you will be recreating on before you visit! Please respect posted signs. Timber operations occur on easement lands. Expect to see logging trucks, skidders and other logging activity. Some access roads may be closed when logging operations are active.
The terrain of the 12,816-acre Croghan Tract Conservation Easement (CE) is generally rolling, with hardwood forests covering much of the area. Several major streams are located on the tract including Fish Creek and Roaring Brook. There are a number of private lease camps on the tract. The public is prohibited from entering the camps and the one acre area posted around each camp. Easement lands are private property; please respect the rights of the landowner and its lessees.
The 16,929-acre Oswegatchie CE is open for a variety of recreational opportunities. Numerous streams and rivers are located on the tract, including the Middle Branch of the Oswegatchie River.