Physical Features:
Elevation: 1,532 feet
Area: 89.4 acres
Shoreline Length: 2.4 miles
Length: 0.8 miles
Max Depth: 40 feet
Mean Depth: N/A
County and Town: Otsego County, Town of Oneonta
Aquatic Plant Life:
Rooted aquatic vegetation limited to shorelines and shallow pond area on north side of lake.
City of Oneonta and DEC access points off East Street & Wilber Lake Road. No boats, wading, swimming or camping allowed. No permit required.
Fish Species:
Chain Pickerel, Common Carp, Golden Shiner, Black Bullhead, Brown Bullhead, Black Crappie, Rock Bass, Pumpkinseed, Bluegill, Smallmouth Bass, Largemouth Bass, Yellow Perch
The lake is a popular fishing spot for residents of Oneonta and surrounding areas. Although fishing is limited to the shoreline, some decent catches of panfish and bass have been reported.
Ice Fishing: