- Open for recreation: Year-round

- Fee: Free
- Contact Information:
- DEC Region 7 Sherburne Office (M-F, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM), (607) 674-4036; [email protected]
- Search, rescue, wildfire, and enforcement matters: 911- or - 1-833-NYS-RANGERS (1-833-697-7264)
A local Forest Ranger is a valuable source of information for the state land you would like to visit.
- Location: Towns of Oxford and Guilford, Chenango County
- Wildlife Management Unit: 7P
- Map: Wiley Brook State Forest Map (GeoPDF) - GeoPDF Instructions || Google Earth || DECinfo Locator
Wiley Brook State Forest is 1,240 acres in size. The most popular recreational activities on the forest are hiking and big game hunting. Winter activities include cross-country skiing and snowshoeing, as well as snowmobiling on the sections of unplowed town roads.
Some of the most scenic areas on this state forest can be found near the ponds. Wiley Pond (also known as Puckerville Pond) is located in the southwestern corner of the forest and features a primitive campsite. Another pond, which is only partially located on the State forest, can be found between Quarry Road and Shapley Road. This pond is in a remote location and is visited by many species of waterfowl.