Guide to Permit Hearings
- Guide to Permit Hearings - A permit hearing offers the public an opportunity to participate in DEC project review. This document gives an overview of the DEC permit hearing process.
- Guide to Permit Hearings (Spanish) - Una audiencia para obtener permiso ofrece al público una oportunidad de participar en el anàlisis del proyecto de DEC. Este documento ofrece una perspectiva general del proceso de audiencia de DEC para obtener un permiso.
Guide to Enforcement Hearings
- Guide to Enforcement Hearings - This guide was written to help you understand the enforcement hearing procedure used by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). It explains the hearing process from when the charges are made to the Decision by the Commissioner.
- Guide to Enforcement Hearings (Spanish) - Esta guía tiene como objeto facilitar la comprensión del procedimiento utilizado en las audiencias ejecutorias del Departamento de Conservación Ambiental del Estado de Nueva York (DEC, por sus siglas en inglés).
Guide to Mediation
- Guide to Mediation - This guide will help answer your questions about mediation services provided by DEC's Office of Hearings and Mediation Services (OHMS).
- Guide to Mediation (Spanish) - Esta guía ayudarà a responder sus preguntas acerca de los servicios ADR proporcionados por la Oficina de Audiencias y Servicios de Intermediación de DEC.
Guidance Memoranda
Several of the Organization & Delegation ("O&D") Memoranda continue to provide guidance with respect to hearing procedures in the Office of Hearings and Mediation Services. These include the following:
- O&D Memo #84-10 March 22, 1984 "Adjudicatory Hearings: Avoiding Ex Parte Communications within the Department (PDF)"
- O&D Memo #85-06 February 11, 1985 "Development and Use of Draft Permit Conditions in Permit Hearings (PDF)"
- O&D Memo #90-04 February 13, 1990 "Governor's New Executive Order on Administrative Adjudication (PDF)"
- O&D Memo #94-13 May 5, 1994 "Effect of Stipulations on Decision-Making in Permit and Enforcement Hearings (PDF)" (supercedes O&D Memo #85-13)
- O&D Memo #95-30 November 7, 1995 "The Conduct of Legislative Hearings (PDF)"