6NYCRR Part 325 And Article 33 And Portions Of Articles 15 And 71 Of The ECL
For Spanish-language translations of pesticide-related statutes and regulations, please use the following links: Part 325 of 6NYCRR and Article 33 and Portions of Article 15 and 71 of the ECL.
All sections of the Environmental Conservation Law relating to pesticides are contained in this document. For full content of the law, please go to the New York State Assembly website.
For your convenience and ease of reading, the table of contents below refers to specific sections and the information in those sections.
Table of Contents
Article 15 Water Resources
Title 3 Powers and Duties
Section 15-0313 - Powers and responsibilities with respect to water pollution control
Article 33 Pesticides
Title 1 Definitions
Section 33-0101 - Definitions
Section 33-0103 - Exemptions
Title 3 General Provisions
Section 33-0301 - Declaration of policy and purposes
Section 33-0303 - Powers and duties of commissioner and the department
Section 33-0304 - Fees
Section 33-0305 - Severability
Title 5 Testing of Pesticide Samples
Section 33-0501 - Testing of Pesticide Samples
Title 7 Registration of Pesticides
Section 33-0701 - Scope of registration
Section 33-0703 - Application for registration
Section 33-0704 - Review of application to register pesticides
Section 33-0705 - Fee for registration
Section 33-0706 - Pesticide applications; file
Section 33-0707 - Disclosure of pesticide formulas
Section 33-0709 - Requirements for registration
Section 33-0711 - Procedure when registration is denied
Section 33-0713 - Cancellation of registration
Section 33-0714 - Water quality monitoring for pesticides
Section 33-0715 - Advisory committees
Section 33-0717 - Public hearing regarding registration
Section 33-0719 - Suspension of pesticide registration
Section 33-0721 - Judicial review
Section 33-0723 - Experimental use Permits
Section 33-0725 - Approved agricultural uses
Title 9 Permits and Certification
Section 33-0901 - Commercial Permits
Section 33-0903 - Purchase permits
Section 33-0905 - Pesticide applicator certification
Section 33-0907 - Pesticide business and agency registration
Section 33-0909 - Denial or revocation of certification or registration
Section 33-0911 - Certification and registration fees
Title 10 Special Requirements for Commercial Lawn Applications
Section 33-1001 - Requirements and Restrictions
Section 33-1003 - Visual Notification
Section 33-1004 - Lawn applications; certain municipalities
Section 33-1005 - Rules and Regulations
Title 11 Protection of Grape Growing Areas
Section 33-1101 - Petition for protection of a grape growing area
Section 33-1103 - Public Hearing
Section 33-1105 - Orders
Title 12 Pesticide Sales and Use Data Base and Record keeping and Reporting
Section 33-1201 - Pesticide sales and use computer data base
Section 33-1203 - Access to pesticide information
Section 33-1205 - Record keeping and reporting
Section 33-1207 - Record keeping and Reporting by importers and manufacturers
Title 13 Unlawful Acts
Section 33-1301 - Unlawful Acts
Section 33-1303 - Registration not a defense
Title 15 Seizure
Section 33-1501 - Pesticides which may be seized
Section 33-1503 - Procedure following seizure
Article 71
Title 29 Enforcement Enforcement of Article 33
Section 71-2901 - Applicability of 47 this title
Section 71-2903 - Investigations
Section 71-2905 - Immunity of witnesses
Section 71-2907 - Sanctions
Section 71-2909 - Aiders and abettors
Section 71-2911 - Injunction against violations
Section 71-2913 - Act of officer or agent deemed act of principal
Section 71-2915 - Disposal of fines and moneys recovered
DMM, Bureau of Pesticides Management
625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12233-7254