Hearing Decisions
The hearing decisions webpage provides information about the Office of Hearings docket and hearing outcomes, including Decisions and Orders by the Commissioner, as well as Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) rulings and hearing reports. The database contains all Decisions, Orders, rulings and hearing reports for the past ten years and is updated regularly. The documents posted on the website are listed alphabetically.
View guidance documents for people who are participating in permit or enforcement hearings.
Hearing Notices
See the hearing notices page for more information about upcoming DEC hearings.
Docket Management System
The docket management system is a database of cases that have been referred to the Office of Hearings and Mediation Services (OHMS) for public hearings or other action by an administrative law judge and a decision by the Commissioner of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. The docket contains cases that have closed on or after January 1, 2005. For cases that closed before January 1, 2005, contact OHMS at 518-402-9003 or send an e-mail to the Hearings Office.