Proposed Modifications to Mining Permit
Troy Sand & Gravel Company Inc. (TS&G) proposes to modify their DEC Mined Land Reclamation Permit (DEC # 4-3840-00008) at the West Sand Lake Quarry by:
- Increasing the overall depth of excavation by 100 feet, from a currently approved final floor depth of 430 feet above mean sea level (amsl) to 330 feet amsl;
- Adding 5.2 acres to the consolidated bedrock excavation area consisting of:
- 3.0 acres for enhanced reclamation shoaling areas, and
- 2.2 acres to square up the southwest corner of the quarry; and
- Adjusting the benching layout within the consolidated excavation area.
All modifications proposed in the TS&G permit application are located within the previously approved life-of-mine area. The proposed action requires the following approvals from DEC:
- Article 23 Mined Land Reclamation Permit – For potential environmental impacts from increasing depth of excavation of consolidated bedrock by 100 feet and adding 5.2 acres to the consolidated bedrock excavation area.
- Article 15 Water Withdrawal Permit – For potential impacts to groundwater from increasing water withdrawal capacity due to mining deeper into the water table.
- Article 15 Stream Disturbance Permit – For potential impacts to the Class B(TS) Wynantskill, from stormwater, water withdrawal, or mining activities.
- Article 17 State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) – For potential impacts to waters of the state from increase in stormwater runoff and mine dewatering.
Additional approvals from the town of Sand Lake may also be required as part of this proposal.
Brief History of the Proposal
TS&G currently operates an argillite/shale quarry and a sand and gravel mine at the West Sand Lake Operation with a total Life of Mine area of 161.6+/- acres and a consolidated excavation area of 61.8+/- acres. TS&G mines argillite at the site using standard blasting techniques to loosen the stone that is then transported to the on-site processing plant for crushing and sizing.
Permit Modification Application submission timeline:
August 7, 2024 – DEC Issued a Request for Additional Information specific to the mining permit modification application.
July 10, 2024 – TS&G submitted a revised draft Scoping Outline and updated mining permit modification application (PDF) to DEC. Document includes most up to date:
- mining plan map (MPM);
- reclamation plan map (RPM); and
- cross section plans.
June 10, 2021 – DEC issued a second NOIA, notifying the applicant of deficiencies within the draft Scoping Outline.
April 16, 2020 – TS&G submitted a draft Scoping Outline to DEC.
March 4, 2020 – DEC issued a Determination of Significance (PDF) under SEQRA stating that the project has the potential for at least one significant adverse environmental impact, and therefore, a Positive Declaration was issued, and a draft Scoping Outline was to be prepared.
March 2, 2020 – DEC issued a Notice of Incomplete Application (NOIA) to TS&G.
February 10, 2020 – DEC assumed lead agency status under SEQRA.
January 2020 – TS&G submitted a Mining Permit Modification Application (PDF) to DEC to increase the depth of excavation and adjust the benching. DEC coordinated lead agency status for environmental review under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA), and the town of Sand Lake did not object.