Trying to find out the status of a pending permit application?
Detailed information on specific applications processed by the Department under the Uniform Procedures Act can be accessed through the DEC Permit Applications (DART) Search, including the status of applications issued, denied or currently under review. This search wizard also provides the means to do searches of applications by location, permit type, and date period. The results from these searches can be further sorted by applicant name, facility name and application status.
Once I Get My Permit, Will I Be Able to Renew, Modify or Transfer It, if Necessary?
Generally, yes.
Any request to renew, modify or transfer a permit must be in writing to the Regional Permit Administrator.
Requests for permit transfers (a change in facility ownership or a change in permittee name) require completion of an Application for Permit Transfer form (PDF). The Application for Permit Transfer requires certification by both the proposed new owner/operator and the present permittee. The application should generally be submitted at least 30 days prior to transfer.