Individuals may become certified as commercial pesticide applicators, commercial pesticide technicians and/or private pesticide applicators. The type of applications that a person may perform is dependent on the applicator's certification. The pesticide applicator requirements are explained in detail in Title 6 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York Part 325 Application of Pesticides.
Please visit the New York State Pesticide Administration Database to search and view information regarding applicators and technicians, training courses and certification/recertification exams.
- Applicator/Technician Certification - Who needs it, how to qualify, the fees involved, renewal/recertification requirements and other useful information.
- Aquatic Anti-Fouling Paint Applicator - Requirements to become and/or recertify an aquatic anti-fouling paint applicator certification.
- Categories of Pesticide Certification - A brief description of each certification category and the number of credits needed for recertification.
- NYSPAD (New York State Pesticide Administration Database) - Portal used to find a variety of pesticide related information:
- Pesticide Professionals - Look up an individual applicator/technician for certification category or to ensure certification is valid/current.
- Exams - Find upcoming exam locations and times, exam procedures, exam registration form and the felon information checklist.
- Courses - Department approved pesticide training courses for either exam eligibility or recertification.
- Annual Reports (PRL) - How and where to submit your annual usage/sales report and instructions to settle a reporting violation.
- Business/Agency Pesticide Information - For businesses or agencies who wish to apply pesticide products and/or sell restricted use pesticides.
- Enforcement Discretion Letters:
- Utility Worker Protection from Stinging Insects (PDF - 131 KB) - Intended to protect utility workers from imminent threat of stinging or biting insects in emergency situations.
- Applying Registered Rodenticides with Dry Ice as Only Active Ingredient (PDF - 60 KB) - Intended to allow technicians and apprentices, in appropriate certification categories, to apply dry ice rodenticides under off-site direct supervision of a certified pesticide applicator.
- Clean SweepNY - Project for the removal and disposal of unwanted chemicals.
- Commercial Lawn Application Resources:
- Neighbor Notification - Important information for commercial lawn applications.
- Commercial Lawn Care Contracts - Amended requirements for commercial lawn care contracts.
- Nutrient Runoff - Requirements of the Dishwasher Detergent and Nutrient Runoff Law and how they apply to lawn fertilizer.
- Pest Management for Schools, Day Care Centers and Parents - Information regarding pesticide prohibition on grounds at schools and day care centers, alternative pest management and the pesticide Neighbor Notification Law.
- Pesticide Statutes, Regulations and Policies - Compliance assistance for the distribution, sale, use and transportation of pesticides.
- Alternative Pesticide (Service) Containers - When transporting pesticides from one site to another these containers must be labeled with: the name and address of the manufacturer or registrant; name, brand, or trademark under which said article is sold; and the net weight or measure of the contents. If the pesticide is highly toxic, the container must also bear: the skull and crossbones; the word "POISON" prominently, in red, on a background of distinctly contrasting color; and a statement of antidote for the pesticide.
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