Several of the Bureau of Pesticides' forms can be completed online using our online form tool, nForm. This system is part of the Online Services and was developed to expedite pesticide certification exam registration and online data collection.
Users must have an account in order to use nForm.
Users With Accounts
Use your user ID and password to log into nForm. If you have forgotten either, use the "Forgot your username or password" feature on nForm's login page.
Pesticide Applicator and Technician Renewal - Form for renewing/recertifying an applicator/technician
Pesticide Certification Exam Registration - Registration form to sit for the Pesticide Certification Exam
Request a Replacement Certification Identification Card or Update Contact Information - Form for changing an applicator's contact information and for requesting a replacement card
Users Without Accounts
You will need a valid email address in order to create an account.
- Go to and click "Don't have an Account?"
- Select the "Personal" account type
- Read the Getting Started instructions and click "Sign Up for a Personal ID"
- Follow the prompt and enter the required information
- Check your email inbox for the confirmation email and reply as indicated to activate the account
- Log into nForm
Problems or Questions
- Issues with creating an account or signing in, contact
- ID Call Center: (518) 474-7497
- Customer Care Center: (844) 891-1786
- Issues completing a specific form, contact the DEC program staff indicated on the opening page of each form.
- For other issues, email the DEC nForm Team
New Payment Process for Pesticide Applicator/Technician Certification Applications:
NYSDEC has developed a new process to pay fees for Pesticide Applicator/Technician Certifications. Do not submit a payment when you submit your application. Submit your completed application to the Pesticide Reporting and Certification Section. When your application is reviewed and approved you will be sent an invoice by the NYSDEC Revenue Accounting Unit. Once you receive your invoice you will be able to pay online with a credit card, debit card, or e-check, or you can pay by mail with a check or money order. Please visit the On-Line Invoicing section of the Doing Business with DEC webpage for more information regarding electronic payments. If you do not pay the invoice within 30 days, you will be required to submit a new application. Your Pesticide Applicator/Technician license will be issued after full payment is received.
Please visit the "New York State Pesticide Administration Database" by clicking the NYSPAD link below to search and view information regarding applicators and technicians, training courses and certification/recertification exams.

All Applicants:
Important NYSDMV Requirement! All certified applicators and technicians are required to have a photograph on file with the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles (NYSDMV) in order to receive their pesticide photo identification card. If you do not currently have a photo on file with the NYSDMV, please visit NYSDMV Requirements for Proof of Identity and Date of Birth to ensure that you meet their requirements prior to visiting a NYSDMV office to have your photo captured. Once you are confident that you have the necessary documents required by NYSDMV, please print out the NYSDMV form for Request for Photo Image (PDF) and bring it with you to the DMV office. Photographs taken at the NYSDMV solely for the purpose of attaining pesticide certification will be taken free of charge.
Eligibility Requirements
Certified Commercial Pesticide Applicator
An individual must meet at least one or more of the following eligibility requirements to become a certified commercial pesticide applicator:
- one year of verifiable experience as a technician with an additional 12 hours of category-specific recertification training; or
- two years of verifiable experience as a technician; or
- three years of verifiable full-time experience as an apprentice working in the category or categories in which the individual is seeking certification; or
- three years of verifiable experience as a certified private applicator in a corresponding private category; or
- certification in another state that New York State has reciprocity, for more information see Applying for Reciprocal Pesticide Certification; or
- three years experience in the sale of pesticides or industrial chemicals, or can otherwise demonstrate, through applicable training certificates or educational degrees, that the individual possesses appropriate technical background, as determined by the department, if seeking pesticide applicator certification in the Sales Category.
NOTE: All of the above experience and/or training must have been earned within the last five years to meet the eligibility requirements. All verifiable experience letters must be signed in the presence of a notary public by both the individual seeking applicator certification and their supervising applicator. With the exception of reciprocity, all applicants must also successfully pass the core and appropriate category examination(s).
Certified Commercial Pesticide Technician
For an individual to be eligible for commercial pesticide technician certification, the individual must:
- be at least 17 years of age at the time of application; and
- have successfully completed a comprehensive 30-hour training course, approved by the department; or
- have received a baccalaureate or associate degree from an accredited college or university which covers the topics listed in Section 325.18, and related categories in Sections 325.16 or 325.17; or
- have two years of verifiable experience as an apprentice.
- Individuals must also pass the core and appropriate category examination(s).
Certified Private Pesticide Applicator
An individual shall be eligible for private applicator certification if that individual has met the following experience and/or training requirements and has successfully passed the necessary examinations.
- The applicant must be at least 17 years of age at the time of application; and
- have at least one year of full-time experience within the last three years in the use of pesticides in the category or categories that the individual is seeking certification; or
- have completed a comprehensive 30-hour training course, approved by the department; or
- have received an associate degree or higher from an accredited college or university which covers the topics listed in Section 325.18, and related categories in Sections 325.16 or 325.17; or
- have one year of verifiable experience as a commercial applicator in a corresponding commercial category; or
- certification in another state that New York has reciprocity, for more information see Applying for Reciprocal Pesticide Certification.
- With the exception of reciprocity, individuals must also pass the core and appropriate category examination(s).
Category/subcategory for the Control of Stinging Insects in the Ground, Trees and Shrubs
- The Department has issued a clarification regarding the appropriate pesticide applicator certification category/subcategory for the control of bees, wasps, hornets, yellow jackets and other stinging insects nesting in the ground, trees and shrubs. For details, please see the letter from the Pesticide Reporting and Certification Section regarding nesting stinging insects (PDF), which explains this clarification.
Fertilizer Restrictions for Pesticide Applicators
- Commercial pesticide applicators, including those operating under lawn care contract and any other person using fertilizers, including homeowners, must comply with restrictions in the NYS Dishwasher Detergent and Nutrient Runoff Law.
- The restrictions apply to use of fertilizer/pesticide combination products (commonly known as "weed and feeds").
- Fertilizer containing more than 0.67% phosphorus can only be used if a new lawn is being established or a soil test indicates it is necessary.
- Use of fertilizer that contains up to 0.67% phosphorus is not restricted.
- Commercial permittees who sell fertilizer/pesticide combination products or fertilizers alone must display phosphorus containing fertilizers separately from non-phosphorus fertilizers and post an educational sign (PDF) where the phosphorus fertilizers are displayed.
- Any person purchasing fertilizer/pesticide combination products should read the product label to ensure the product purchased contains 0.67% or less phosphorus.
Training manuals can be ordered through the Cornell University Bookstore. Please visit the NYSPAD portal and click on Courses for assistance in locating training courses to fit your individual needs. Department approved distance learning courses, those courses given on-line, can be used to meet the training requirements.
Adding or Dropping Certification Categories
Adding a Category
Only certified pesticide applicators are able to add additional categories/subcategories to their current certification. Technicians are not eligible to hold more than one category.
Applicators that wish to add additional categories must have at least one year of verifiable experience in which the individual is seeking certification, or 12 hours of category-specific training approved by DEC in order to qualify to take the appropriate category examination(s). Eligible applicators should contact a Pesticide Control Specialist in their Regional Office to arrange to take the examination.
Dropping a Category
Applicators wanting to drop a category from their certification must do so in writing. Please mail a dated and signed letter indicating what category you would like to drop to: NYSDEC, Pesticide Reporting & Certification, 625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233-7254. There are NO REFUNDS for dropped categories.
Every applicator is required to either submit recertification training credits at the end of their certification cycle or take a recertification examination. Individuals can visit the NYSPAD portal to view their recertification date(s) or upcoming courses available.
Please Note: An individual should only take a particular course once within a twelve month period. Any course taken more than once within twelve months of each other, will only be counted once and the repeat(s) will be disregarded. Private applicators cannot earn all of their recertification credits in one calendar year, ONLY commercial applicators on a three year certification cycle can do so.
Pesticide applicator examinations are conducted through our Regional Offices. Examination schedules may be viewed by visiting the NYSPAD portal. Applicator ID cards are processed by the Albany Office, telephone number (518) 402-8748.
Certification Fees
Certification Type | Category | Cost | Card Term |
Exam Fee | All | $100 | N/A |
Commercial Technician | Any 1 Category | $450 | 3 years |
Commercial Applicator | First/Only Category | $450 | 3 years |
Each additional category | $150 | 3 years | |
Aquatic Anti-Fouling Paint Applicator | 13 | $450 | 3 years |
Private Applicator (Only/Primary) | Any private category | $ 25 | 5 years |
Private Applicator (Secondary, same farm or agricultural business) | $ 5 |
Note: Certification fees will be paid through an invoice. Submit your payment when you receive your invoice.
Pesticides Updates Listserv
To sign up for Pesticides Updates, subscribe to DEC Delivers! This will take you to the "Quick Subscription" page where you will see all the topics that you can receive email updates on from DEC. Scroll to the "Prevent and Control Pollution" category and check the box next to "Pesticides." You will receive a welcome email from DEC confirming your subscription(s).