Freshwater Bait Fish Dealer License
License Details
What This License Allows
This license authorizes an individual (resident or non-resident) to:
- Harvest (take) certain freshwater fish and aquatic insects from designated waters to be sold as bait.
- Sell certified (disease-free) or uncertified bait for wholesale or retail purposes.
A list of authorized fish species and designated waters are provided in the baitfish regulations - Title 6 NYCRR Part 35.2 (a) and (d) - leaves DEC website.
License Duration
1-year license (January 1 - December 31)
Varies by gear type or activity. A list of resident and non-resident fees are provided in the application form.
Resident includes anyone who has lived in New York State for at least 6 months prior to the time of applying for the license.
Other Pertinent Information
Review the requirements to sell freshwater baitfish in New York State and become familiar with the applicable laws and regulations prior to applying for this license.
How to Apply
Complete and submit the Freshwater Bait Fish Dealer License Application (PDF)
Laws & Regulations
New York Codes Rules and Regulations (NYCRR)
- Part 35: Commercial Inland Fisheries Licenses (Taking and Sale of Baitfish) (leaves DEC website)
Environmental Conservation Law (ECL)
To find a law click on the link, click on ENV, find Article 11, click on the appropriate law.
- 11-1315: Taking and Sale of Bait Fish (leaves DEC website)
- 11-1317: Fish-bait; Protection of Aquatic Insects (leaves DEC website)
Contact Information
If you need assistance or have questions associated with the bait fish dealer license or requirements, contact a Regional Fisheries Office near you.
Other Related or Similar Licenses
Marine/Saltwater Bait Permits: DEC issues a variety of other licenses for taking saltwater species of fish or shellfish as bait in the marine and coastal district.