Modified Longbow Authorization
License Details
What This Authorization Allows
Individuals with a permanent or temporary physical disability (verified by a licensed physician) may:
- Use a longbow, recurve or compound bow that has been equipped with a mechanical device attached to the handle or riser for holding and releasing the bowstring. (Examples: Draw-Loc; Pullin Archery; Bow Pro)
- Use the modified bow during small game and big game seasons when bowhunting is permitted.
What This Authorization Does Not Allow
Use of crossbows or modified crossbows.
How to Get Authorized for Modified Longbow Use
- Complete the Modified Longbow Authorization Form (PDF)
- A licensed physician will need to complete and sign a section of this form.
- Note: If you have a Modified Archery Permit that is still valid you are already authorized to use a modified longbow and do not need to complete the Modified Longbow Authorization Form.
- For small game hunting, have a current year NYS hunting license; For big game hunting, have a current year NYS hunting license and bowhunting privilege.
- Carry the completed Modified Longbow Authorization Form (or previous Modified Archery Permit) and appropriate hunting licenses with you while hunting afield with a modified longbow.
- Abide by the rules and regulations in the annual New York State Hunting and Trapping Regulations Guide
Laws & Regulations
Environmental Conservation Law (ECL)
Please visit New York State Legislature (leaves DEC website)
- 11-0901(15) Prohibitions
New York Codes Rules and Regulations (NYCRR)
- Part 175: Special Licenses and Permits - Definitions and Uniform Procedures (leaves DEC website)
- Section 2.4: Authorization to Use a Longbow Equipped with a Mechanical Device (leaves DEC website)
Contact Information
DEC Special Licenses Unit
625 Broadway, Albany, NY 12233
[email protected]
(518) 402-8985
Other Related or Similar Licenses/Permits
DEC also issues the following licenses for hunters with a disability:
- Modified Crossbow Permit - authorizes individuals with a permanent physical disability (verified by a licensed physician) to use a crossbow equipped with a breath-tube apparatus for releasing the bowstring.
- Non-Ambulatory Hunter License - authorizes individuals with a physical disability (verified by a licensed physician) to hunt with a firearm from a motorized vehicle during hunting seasons.
- Motorized Access Program for People with Disabilities (MAPPWD) - provides access to certain state lands administered by DEC to qualified people with disabilities (verified by a licensed physician).
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