Permit To Import And Possess Grass Carp & Hybrid Grass Carp
This license authorizes an individual to import and sell certified triploid grass carp.
License Details
No fee
License Duration
No expiration
What This License Allows:
- Importing triploid grass carp.
- Holding triploid grass carp in self-contained holding tanks from March 1 to November 30.
- Selling triploid grass carp to licensed NYS Triploid Grass Carp Stocking Permit holders only.
What This License Does Not Allow:
- Stocking triploid grass carp (requires a Triploid Grass Carp Stocking Permit)
Other Pertinent Information
- Fish Health Certification Report: Prior to stocking fish into the waters of the state or selling fish for stocking, the licensee must have a valid fish health certification report to indicate that the fish are free of diseases. This is typically provided by the hatchery or facility. More details can be found in the regulations link below.
- Shipments into New York: A copy of the USFWS release authorization must accompany any shipment of triploid grass carp into New York, with the original forwarded to DEC (see address under "Contact Information")
How to Apply
- Have a copy of a map showing the location/pond(s) to be licensed. (Example maps: topographic, road/highway, internet/Google, etc.)
- Complete and submit the Import & Sell Triploid Grass Carp Permit Application (PDF)
Renewing & Reporting
Annual Reporting
License holders must keep an annual record of activities and submit a report by December 31 each year. Information on what and how to report is detailed in the license conditions.
Laws & Regulations
New York Codes Rules and Regulations (NYCRR)
- Part 188: Fish Health Inspections (link leaves DEC website)
Environmental Conservation Law (ECL)
To find this law click on the link, click on ENV, find Article 11, click on the appropriate law.
- 11-1703(6): Importation, Possession and Sale of Fish Without License or Permit (link leaves DEC website)
Contact Information
Bureau of Fisheries
Address: 625 Broadway, Albany NY 12233
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: 518-402-8890
Additional Resources and Information
Commercial Fish Hatcheries - list of licensed fish hatcheries from which fish can be purchased.
Other Related or Similar Licenses
Triploid Grass Carp Stocking Permit: authorizes an individual to stock certified grass carp into private ponds 5 acres or less in surface area to manage aquatic vegetation.