The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC) has issued General Permit GP-0-16-004 (PDF) (27 KB) - Breaching or Removal of Beaver Dams No More Than 2 Years Old.
This permit is only valid when issued concurrently with an Environmental Conservation Law Article 11-0521 Nuisance Beaver Permit, which will specify authorization to breach or remove the beaver dam. This permit expires concurrently with the Nuisance Beaver Permit.
This permit is applicable to regulated freshwater wetlands, including the wetland adjacent area, and to protected and navigable waterways throughout New York State, excluding New York City, and Long Island.
How to apply for permits to remove beaver, their dams and/or lodges:
Contact your nearest Regional Wildlife Office (
Permits to remove beaver can only be issued to the landowner of the property on which the beaver control activities will take place.
Permits to remove beaver dams can be issued to anyone but do not authorize trespass and require permission from the landowner on which the dam is located. Depending on the location, you may be required to obtain other permits as well. Wildlife staff will advise you on what additional permits, if any, are necessary.
When contacting the Department, you will need to provide:
Phone number(s)
E-mail address (if available)
Location of the beaver problem(s)