New General Permit GP-1-22-001 - Tidal Wetland Bulkhead Replacement With Dredging has been issued by the NYS DEC effective 10/25/2022 . GP-1-22-001 is intended to replace GP-1-18-001, which expires 8/20/2023.
General Permit GP-1-22-001 allows:
- The removal and replacement of functional and lawfully existing bulkheads either landward or in-place of the existing bulkhead, or the re-sheathing of bulkheads allowing no more than a 4-inch seaward extension with timber boards, and an 8-inch extension for corrugated material such as vinyl or steel;
- The replacement of a bulkhead 18 inches higher in elevation than the existing bulkhead, or greater than 18 inches where justified by the local FEMA flood elevation or considerations under CRRA;
- Limited maintenance dredging associated with the bulkhead replacement;
- The in-place replacement of appurtenant bulkhead structures such as mooring structures and stormwater infrastructure associated with the bulkhead replacement.
The General Permit is available for use in Nassau and Suffolk counties, excluding high wave energy areas, vegetated tidal wetlands including submerged aquatic vegetation beds, and marsh island communities.
Read General Permit GP-1-22-001 (PDF) to see if your project is covered. If your project is included in the list of authorized activities, read the Frequently Asked Questions for Applicants (PDF). Fill out and submit the Request for Authorization (PDF) to the DEC Regional Permit Administrator.
The following items must be submitted with the Request for Authorization:
- A site location map;
- Project plans showing all applicable details and measurements to clearly define the extent and nature of your work, including a survey that depicts the existing bulkhead;
- Three(3) representative color photographs which clearly depict the site of the proposed activity; indicate the time and date when taken; and
- The Permission to Inspect Property Form (PDF)
No work is authorized until the permittee receives the signed Project Authorization by NYSDEC.
General Permit GP-1-18-001 - Tidal Wetland Bulkhead Replacement With Dredging issued by the NYS DEC effective 8/21/2018.
General Permit GP-1-18-001 allows:
- The removal and replacement of functional and lawfully existing bulkheads either landward or in-place of the existing bulkhead, or the re-sheathing of bulkheads with no more than a 3" seaward extension;
- The replacement of a bulkhead 18 inches higher in elevation than the existing bulkhead;
- Limited maintenance dredging associated with the bulkhead replacement;
- The in-place replacement of appurtenant bulkhead structures such as mooring structures and stormwater infrastructure associated with the bulkhead replacement.
The General Permit is available for use in Nassau and Suffolk counties, excluding high wave energy areas, vegetated tidal wetlands including submerged aquatic vegetation beds, and marsh island communities.
Read General Permit GP-1-18-001 (PDF) to see if your project is covered. If your project is included in the list of authorized activities, read the Frequently Asked Questions for Applicants (PDF).