Greenbush Pipeline Installation Project
Freshwater Wetlands Permit & 401 Water Quality Certification
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has made a tentative determination to approve a permit application submitted by the National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation for the installation of 8,580 linear feet of 2 to 4-inch natural gas distribution pipeline in the Town of Newstead, Erie County. The Greenbush Pipeline Installation project will include two workspaces for pipeline borings which will be located within the 100-foot regulated adjacent area (AA) of New York State Freshwater Wetland WO-35. This will result 0.02 acres of temporary impact to the AA. Additionally, Freshwater Wetland WO-35 will be crossed by the pipeline utilizing horizontal directional boring.
Application Documents
As a tentative determination, DEC sought public comment prior to making a final decision on permit issuance. The comment period ended and the comments are under review.
The following documents are available to view:
Permit Application - Greenbush Pipeline Installation Project, April 2020 (PDF)
DEC Wetland (WO-22 & WO-35) Boundary Verification, July 30, 2020 (PDF)
Contact Information:
NYSDEC Region 9 Headquarters
700 Delaware Ave
Buffalo, NY 14209
(716) 851-7165
[email protected]