Hyland Landfill Expansion
Solid Waste Management Facility Permit Modification
Hyland Facility Associates
25 Greens Hill Lane
Rutland, Vermont 05701
Hyland Landfill
6653 Herdman Road
Angelica, New York 14709
DEC Application ID Nos.:
6 NYCRR Part 363 Solid Waste Management Facility / Landfill Permit (9-0232-00003/00002)
Project Description
Hyland Facility Associates has applied for a Solid Waste Management Facility permit modification for a lateral and vertical expansion of the Hyland Landfill in the Town of Angelica, Allegany County. The proposal includes an additional 107 acres of landfill footprint and a height increase of 120 feet at the top. The expansion would extend the life of the landfill by about 25 to 30 years and would increase the annual disposal rate from 465,000 to 1,000,000 tons per year. Other project components include: leachate storage facilities, stormwater ponds, 37 acre soil borrow area and a truck lane on Peacock Hill Road from Interstate 86 to the landfill entrance.
Public Comment Hearing
A public comment hearing pursuant to 6 NYCRR parts 617 and 621 to hear and receive unsworn comments from the public was held on January 19, 2022. All persons, organizations, corporations, or government agencies who may be affected by the project were invited to attend the hearing and comment on the proposed scoping document to prepare a Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SDEIS) for the Hyland Landfill's proposed modification of its existing Solid Waste Management Facility permit issued pursuant to Title 6 of the New York Codes, Rules, and Regulations (6 NYCRR) Parts 360 and 363, its Title V permit and its Individual State Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit.
Project Documents
- Application for a Solid Waste Management Facility Permit (PDF)
- Full Environmental Assessment Form - Part 1 (PDF)
- Positive Declaration - Notice of Determination of Significance and Intent to Prepare a Draft EIS (PDF)
- Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement - DRAFT Scoping Outline (PDF)
- Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement - FINAL Scoping Outline (PDF)
Filed application documents, the positive declaration and the draft scoping document are also available for review at the:
- Angelica Free Library, 55 West Main Street, Angelica NY 14709; and online at
- https://hylandlandfillexpansion.blogspot.com (leaves DEC website)