Barton Garnet Mine - Gore Mountain
Barton Garnet Mine - Gore Mountain
Located in Warren County
Image courtesy of William Kelly
Type: Mine.
Features: Largest garnets in the world; inclusions of rare cristobalite that only forms at very low pressure; tour & per pound charge of material collected.
Feature Type: Mineralogic.
Reference: NYS Geological Association Field Trip Guidebook, 74th Annual Meeting 2002; Geology and Mining History of the Barton Garnet Mine, Gore Mt. and the NL Ilmenite Mine, Tahawus, NY with a Temporal Excursion to the MacIntyre Iron Plantation of 1857.
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Quadrangle: Granville.
Reason for Designation: Contains abundant & well-preserved deformed graptolites. Graptolites are considered to be one of the best markers for the measurement of finite strain. The site given is on accessible public property; this feature is located in other places in this area but those are on private property. Exposures of deformed graptolites are rare in NYS and these sites are especially unusual because they contain deformed graptolites in all structural positions in a fold.