Full Environmental Assessment Form (FEAF) Workbook
SEQR Environmental Assessment Form Guidance Documents
The Full Environmental Assessment Form (FEAF) is designed specifically for Type I Actions. It has three parts. The first part (Part 1) is filled out by the applicant, or project sponsor. Part 2 and Part 3 are the responsibility of the lead agency. Throughout the workbook, the term 'lead agency' is also referred to as the 'reviewing agency'.
Part 1 of the FEAF provides details that will help the reviewing agency understand the location, size, type, and characteristics of the proposed project. Part 1 can be completed by the applicant using information prepared as part of the approval submission along with maps, plats, or other studies that may have been conducted and by exploring the information and maps available through the links in this guide.
The lead agency should also review the information provided by the applicant in Part 1 for basic accuracy and completeness. Sometimes, the lead agency is also the project sponsor and there are no other agencies involved. An example of this is when a municipality adopts a local law. In such circumstances, the lead agency would also be required to complete Part 1 as the project sponsor.
Part 2 is used to help the reviewing agency identify potential impacts that may result from the project. In order to do this, the reviewing agency will evaluate information from Part 1, but may also ask the applicant for clarification of information provided in Part 1, or additional information.
Part 3 is used by the reviewing agency to determine if the potential adverse impacts identified in Part 2 are significant or not, and whether a draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) will be prepared. If the reviewing agency determines that a DEIS shall be required, Part 3 is also used to identify the scope (topics to be considered in more detail) for that evaluation. Part 3 is also used to help the reviewing agency identify whether the applicant has addressed the potential adverse impacts as part of the project design.
When to Use the Full Environmental Assessment Form
The Full Environmental Assessment Form (FEAF) is used when a state or local agency has determined that a SEQR review is necessary, and they have identified the project as being a Type I Action. Type I Actions are listed in SEQR (617.4) and described there as "...those actions and projects that are more likely to require the preparation of an EIS than Unlisted actions". It goes on to state "...the fact that an action or project has been listed as a Type I action carries with it the presumption that it is likely to have a significant adverse impact on the environment and may require an EIS."
Type I Actions are typically larger, and more complicated than Unlisted Actions. However, some Unlisted Actions may fall just under the Type I criteria. In that case, the agency should strongly consider using the FEAF so that additional information can be obtained and used in the environmental review.
Agencies can adopt their own list of additional Type I actions, and can adjust the thresholds to make their Type I list more inclusive. However, they cannot designate any action identified as a Type II Action in Section 617.5 as a Type I Action. The FEAF would be used for any locally adopted list of Type I actions.
For more information on how to decide what type of action a project is and what form to use, see the SEQR Handbook (PDF).
How to Complete and Use the Full Environmental Assessment Form
The introductory pages to Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of the FEAF workbook provide additional information and instructions on how to fill out the form. When you view these introductory pages, the navigation panel on the left will expand, showing links to the individual questions within that section.
Part 1 - Is completed by the applicant or project sponsor. If the municipality is sponsoring an action considered a Type I, then the municipality would complete Part 1. Part 1 provides details that will help the reviewing agency understand the location, size, type, and environmental characteristics of the proposed project. The information in Part 1 is used by the reviewing agency to complete Parts 2 and 3.
The questions in Part 1 are grouped in sections A-G:
- Section A gathers information that identifies the project sponsor, the proposed action, and the proposed action's location.
- Section B requests information about government approvals or funding.
- Section C.1. requests information about planning and zoning actions.
- Section C.2. requests information about adopted land use plans.
- Section C.3. requests information about zoning.
- Section C.4. requests information about existing community services.
- Section D.1. requests information about the proposed and potential development.
- Section D.2. requests information about project operations
- Section E.1. requests information about land uses on and surrounding the project site.
- Section E.2. requests information about natural resources on or near the project site.
- Section E.3. requests information about designated public resources on or near the project site.
- Section F provides the project sponsor the opportunity for supplying additional information including project elements that may avoid or reduce impacts.
- Section G is where the certifying signature of the preparer is provided.
Part 2 - Is completed by the reviewing agency. Part 2 is designed to help the reviewing agency understand all potential resources that could be affected by a proposed action. It is designed to help a reviewer identify any element of a proposed project that may have a potentially significant adverse impact on the environment. It is also used to determine the potential size of the impact by providing a series of questions that can be answered by the reviewing agency with information found in Part 1. In some cases, the reviewing agency may require additional information from the applicant in order to answer the Part 2 questions.
Part 3 - Is also completed by the reviewing agency. Part 3 generally addresses those impacts that have been identified as potentially moderate to large in Part 2. However, Part 3 can also be used to explain why a particular element of the proposed action will not, or may, result in a significant adverse environmental impact. The rationale used in decision-making should be presented in a series of written, well reasoned statements in Part 3. This discussion of impacts will serve as the supporting documentation for the determination of significance and if a DEIS is to be prepared, can outline a draft scope of issues to be explored.
Continue to Part 1 (FEAF) - Project and Setting