Question D 1 - Proposed And Potential Development - Full EAF (Part 1)
Full Environmental Assessment Form (FEAF) Workbook
Background Information for all D.1. Questions
This set of questions provides information on the general characteristics of the proposed project. They will help the reviewing agency understand the scale and extent of the proposed project by detailing the acreage and nature of the proposed use, and the time frame for project completion. Other Part 1 questions will explore more specifics about the project and its operation.
All of the answers to Section D1 questions may be taken directly from a proposed site plan, plat, and other application materials that are, or will be submitted to the reviewing agency. Applicants should provide as much detail, and be as precise as possible in answering these questions. In this way, it will help the reviewing agency have on hand all the information needed to adequately and efficiently conduct Part 2 of the environmental review. It may also be advisable to review Part 2 sections to identify other information that could be provided in Part 1 or other application materials that would assist the reviewing agency complete Part 2.
This part of the workbook includes background information, potential data sources, and examples to help you complete Section D1:
D1 a. What is the general nature of the proposed action (e.g., residential, industrial, commercial, recreational; if mixed, include all components)?
Answering Question D.1.a.
If this is a project that involves physical changes to a site, describe the principal nature of the action. A project that includes more than one type of use would be considered a 'mixed' use and each element should be stated here.
D1 b.
- Total acreage of the site of the proposed action?
__________ acres - Total acreage to be physically disturbed?
__________ acres - Total acreage (project site and any contiguous properties) owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor?
__________ acres
Answering Question D.1.b.
Use data from a survey, plat, or site plan to calculate the specific acreage of the project and the site.
a. Total acreage of the site refers to all parcels and land areas that are part of the project. Include all lands in this calculation, even if they are not all to be disturbed.
b. Calculate, in acres, the total amount of land to be graded, filled, changed, excavated, or disturbed in some way.
c. Calculate the total acreage of the project site and contiguous properties the project sponsor or applicant controls, even if some are not part of this current proposed project.
The total acreage calculated for question D.1.b.(a), and the total acreage owned or controlled by the applicant or project sponsor may be the same number. The purpose of this part of question D.1.b. is to determine if there are additional lands controlled by the project sponsor not part of this proposed action. If so, the reviewing agency may need to explore whether there are multiple phases to be considered or if future development should be considered now as part of the environmental review.
D1 c. Is the proposed action an expansion of an existing project or use?
i. If Yes, what is the approximate percentage of the proposed expansion and identify the units (e.g., acres, miles, housing units, square feet)?
% ____________________
Units: ____________________
Answering Question D.1.c.
If the proposed project is an expansion of an existing project or use, check "yes". If no, check the box and move onto question D.1.d.
If the proposed project involves expansion of an existing land use, then calculate how much that expansion will be, measured as a percentage increase. For example, if a 20 acre commercial property already has 10 acres used for retail uses and the proposed project will add five more acres of new retail buildings and parking, then the percent increase would be 50% measured in acres. Another example is an expansion of a 100-unit multi-family development by 100 more units. This would then be a 100% expansion, measured in housing units. The unit of measurement you use should offer the most relevant information to help the reviewing agency understand the scale and extent of the expansion.
D1 d. Is the proposed action a subdivision, or does it include a subdivision?
If Yes,
- Purpose or type of subdivision? (e.g., residential, industrial, commercial; if mixed, specify types)
- Is a cluster/conservation layout proposed?
- Number of lots proposed? ________
- Minimum and maximum proposed lot sizes?
Minimum __________
Maximum __________
Answering Question D.1.d
If the proposed project is, or includes a subdivision, check 'yes'. If it does not, check 'no' and move on to question D.1.e.
i. If a subdivision is proposed, identify the type of subdivision that is being proposed.
ii. A cluster/conservation subdivision layout is one where part of the parcel is preserved as dedicated open space. A clustered subdivision results in housing units or structures placed in one or more groups on the parcel, usually with small individual lot sizes. A conservation subdivision is also designed to preserve open space, but housing units or structures are not necessarily clustered; units may also be strategically located to preserve critical open space lands. See the pictures below which illustrate the differences:
iii. If a subdivision is proposed, enter the total number of lots proposed.
iv. If a subdivision is proposed, enter the minimum and maximum proposed lot sizes.
D1 e. Will proposed action be constructed in multiple phases?
- If No, anticipated period of construction:
_____ months - If Yes:
- Total number of phases anticipated _____
- Anticipated commencement date of phase 1 (including demolition)
_____ month _____ year - Anticipated completion date of final phase
_____ month _____year - Generally describe connections or relationships among phases, including any contingencies where progress of one phase may determine timing or duration of future phases:
Answering Question D.1.e.
It is important for the reviewing agency to understand how long a project may take. The project time frame will be important information used by the reviewing agency to help determine the duration of potential environmental impacts.
i. If a project is to be started and completed in one phase, check 'no' and indicate the number of months anticipated for completion.
ii. If there are to be multiple phases, then the reviewing agency must evaluate the potential environmental impacts of each phase as well as the total impact of all phases together. If this is a multi-phased project, check 'yes' and indicate how many phases, how long each phase will last, and what the anticipated final completion date is. Also, describe what the different phases are and how they relate to each other.
For example, the applicant for a residential subdivision proposed with three phases would check 'yes' for a phased project, indicate three phases, add in the anticipated start of the project month and year, and the anticipated date of completion of the final phase. They could further describe the phasing as "Phase one is construction of the road, water and sewer infrastructure. Phase two is construction of two-family and multi-family units in an area closest to that infrastructure, and phase three is construction of single-family dwellings on lots located on other portions of the parcel. Phase 3 will start only when all two-family and multi-family dwelling units from phase 2 have been sold."
D1 f. Does the project include new residential uses?
If Yes, show numbers of units proposed.
One Family | Two Family | Three Family | Multiple Family (four or more) | |
Initial Phase | __________ | __________ | __________ | ______________ |
At completion of all phases | __________ | __________ | __________ | ______________ |
Answering Question D.1.f.
Indicate if the proposed project includes residential uses. If so, then add in the numbers of each type of residential unit proposed. If there is only one phase, then add in the numbers proposed for each unit on the 'at completion of all phases' line.
D1 g. Does the proposed action include new non-residential construction (including expansions)?
If Yes,
- Total number of structures
- Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure:
________height; ________width; and ________ length - Approximate extent of building space to be heated or cooled:
________ square feet
Answering Question D.1.g.
This question will help the reviewing agency better understand the type, extent and scale of the proposal. If the proposed project includes some amount of non-residential construction, including expansions, check 'yes'. If not, then move to question D.1.h. If yes, indicate the total number of structures, the size of the largest structure proposed, and the extent of the space to be heated or cooled - (Use the outside faces of the walls containing heated and cooled spaces).
D1 h. Does the proposed action include construction or other activities that will result in the impoundment of any liquids, such as creation of a water supply, reservoir, pond, lake, waste lagoon or other storage?
If Yes,
- Purpose of the impoundment:
______________________________ - If a water impoundment, the principal source of the water:
Ground water, Surface water streams, Other specify:
______________________________ - If other than water, identify the type of impounded/contained liquids and their source.
______________________________ - Approximate size of the proposed impoundment.
Volume: ____________ million gallons;
surface area: ____________ acres - Dimensions of the proposed dam or impounding structure:
________ height; ________ length - Construction method/materials for the proposed dam or impounding structure (e.g., earth fill, rock, wood, concrete):
Answering Question D.1.h.
If the proposed project creates or expands any impoundment for water or any other liquid, then check 'yes' and answer this question. If the proposal does not include creation of any liquid impoundment, then check 'no' and move to Question D.2. (Project Operations).
Water supply reservoirs, ponds, lakes, waste lagoons, and other storage impoundments including stormwater detention ponds are all to be considered as an impoundment.
i. Describe the purpose of the impoundment such as for irrigation, stormwater runoff control, drinking water, recreational, visual, or waste storage. It would be helpful to include details about whether the impoundment is subject to a permit from DEC or another regulatory agency as well. A review of requirements such as Environmental Conservation Law (ECL) Subpart 360-6: Liquid Storage for surface impoundment requirements, (link leave DEC's website) Part 673: Dam Safety Regulations, (link leaves DEC's website) or Protection of Waters Permit information will help identify specific requirements and permit standards that would need to be met when designing the proposed impoundment. Other DEC permits under other sections of the Protection of Waters Permit Program or under other Articles of the Environmental Conservation Law may be required.
ii. If the liquid being impounded is water, identify the source of that water. Groundwater sources would include wells, seeps or springs. Surface water sources include streams, rivers, lakes, or surface water runoff. Check 'surface water' even if the water is channeled to the impoundment via pipes or drainage ditches.
iii. If the impoundment is designed to store liquids other than water, check 'other" and describe the liquid and where that liquid originates from. For example, the source may be from a commercial or manufacturing operation.
iv. Work with the project designer or engineer to calculate the specific volume and surface area. Volume measures how much liquid will be impounded, and surface area measures how much land the impoundment will cover. Describe the dimensions of the dam being used to create the impoundment in terms of its height and length.
v. and vi. Finally, describe the general design of the impoundment and materials used to construct it. Be as specific as possible so that the reviewing agency has enough information to understand the extent and scale of the proposed impoundment.
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