Question F - Additional Information - Full EAF (Part 1)
Full Environmental Assessment Form (FEAF) Workbook
F. Additional Information
Attach any additional information which may be needed to clarify your project.
If you have identified any adverse impacts which could be associated with your proposal, please describe those impacts plus any measures which you propose to avoid or minimize them.
Some of your answers to the questions in the FEAF may not fit in the space provided on the form. In that case, you can make a note in the space provided, referencing the full answer in any attached additional sheets.
If you have incorporated into your project design specific design features that you feel will help avoid or minimize any potential impacts, please attach a narrative discussion of the measures included in your project and how they will help avoid or alleviate those impacts.
Example 1:
All structures proposed for the multi-family complex will be constructed with LEED Gold standards to promote energy efficiency and green building.
Example 2:
As this project is located within a floodplain and we are aware of the concerns related to the impact this project will have on flood waters and flooding patterns, our application materials include a HEC-RAS Analysis. This is the recognized method for determining impacts on flooding patterns. This analysis is included with our application materials and confirms that there will be no significant impacts to adjacent properties or changes in flood patterns.
Example 3:
During survey work for this project, a vernal pool was identified and subsequently evaluated during March and April to learn what amphibian and other wildlife species use it. Upon finding that it was used for the breeding of Jefferson Salamanders, we have designed the project to leave intact the entire vernal pool and a 700 foot buffer of upland area around it, and have designated that area as permanent preserved open space.
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