Part 617.11 requires that each involved agency must prepare its own written SEQR findings statement, after a final EIS has been filed and before the agency makes a final decision. The findings certify that the requirements of Part 617 have been met. A positive findings statement means that the project or action is approvable after consideration of the final EIS, and demonstrates that the action chosen is the one that avoids or minimizes adverse environmental impacts presented in the EIS and weighs and balances them with the social, economic and other essential considerations. If the action is not approvable, a negative findings statement documenting the reasons for the denial must be prepared.
The findings can be finalized no sooner than 10 days following the filing of the Notice of Completion of the Final EIS, and if the action involves an applicant, the lead agency's findings must be made within 30 days form the filing date.[617.11(b)]. Findings of each agency must be filed with all other involved agencies and the applicant at the time they are adopted. Findings and a decision may be made simultaneously.