Application Assistance
Contact your DEC regional Permits office with questions about completing the application form and other required information for your application.
Keep plans flexible until DEC staff review your proposal and comment on its conformance with permit standards. Be willing to adjust your project. On occasion, minor changes in layout can avoid disagreements and delays and, in some cases, eliminate the need for a permit.
Applicants proposing complex, multi-residential, commercial or industrial projects are strongly encouraged to schedule a pre-application conference. This meeting with DEC allows the applicant to clarify project objectives and obtain DEC's recommendations. Such feedback can improve the project environmentally and shorten the application procedure.
Application Checklist for New Water Withdrawal Permits
Required items include:
- The Joint Application Form (PDF) and Instructions for completing the Joint Application Form (PDF) are available on the Department's website page.
- The Joint Application Form Supplement WW-1 - Water Withdrawal (PDF) is available on the Department's website page.
- Additional requirements are found on the Forms and Tools for Water Withdrawal Permit Applications page.
- Environmental Assessment Form (EAF).
- In accordance with the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR), an application is not complete until a properly completed environmental assessment form has been submitted, a lead agency has been established, and a negative declaration or a conditioned negative declaration has been filed or a draft environmental impact statement has been accepted by the lead agency.
- Refer to the Department's SEQR webpage for additional information on environmental impact assessment.
- SEQR Forms are available on the Department's website page.
- If the project is an Unlisted Action, submit a completed Part 1 of a Short Environmental Assessment Form.
- If the project is a Type I Action, submit a completed Part 1 of a Full Environmental Assessment Form.
- Structural / Archaeological Assessment Form (SAAF).
- In accordance with the State Historic Preservation Act (SHPA), the application is not complete until a determination has been made concerning the impact of the project on properties listed on or eligible for listing on the State or National Register of Historic Places.
- Submit a completed Structural Archaeological Assessment Form (PDF), available on the Department's website page. In some cases, a cultural resource survey, including a field study of archaeological or historic features may be needed.
Water Withdrawal Permit Renewals, Transfers, and Modifications
Please visit our Water Withdrawal Permit Renewals, Transfers, and Modifications pages for information on how to apply for a permit renewal, transfer, or modification.
Time Frames
See our web page Getting an Environmental Permit.
Remember, Contact DEC Early in Your Planning and be Flexible - Let Us Help You!
Eliminate multiple mailings, multiple reviews, and misunderstandings by seeking clarifications from DEC staff at the planning stages of the project, and by submitting accurate, complete information. Be flexible in the early stages of planning until regulatory staff have had a chance to review and comment on your plans with respect to the regulatory standards required by law.