The links on this page go to DEC's regulations on the WestlawNext website. Please review our disclaimer and usage information prior to leaving DEC's website.
- Subchapter A: Prevention and Control of Air Contamination and Air Pollution
- Part 200: General Provisions
- Part 201: Permits and Registrations
- Subpart 201-1: General Provisions
- Subpart 201-2: Definitions
- Subpart 201-3: Permit Exempt and Trivial Activities
- Subpart 201-4: Minor Facility Registration
- Subpart 201-5: State Facility Permits
- Subpart 201-6: Title V Facility Permits
- Subpart 201-7: Federally Enforceable Emission Caps
- Subpart 201-8: General Permits
- Subpart 201-9: Tables
- Part 202: Emissions Verification
- Part 203: [Repealed] - (Westlaw outdated, view Part 203: Oil and Natural Gas Sector current regulations)
- Part 204: [Repealed]
- Part 205: Architectural and Industrial Maintenance (AIM) Coatings
- Part 206: [Repealed]
- Part 207: Control Measures for an Air Pollution Episode
- Part 208: Landfill Gas Collection and Control Systems for Certain Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
- Part 209: Primary Aluminum Reduction Plants
- Part 210: Emissions and Labeling Requirements for Personal Watercraft Engines
- Part 211: General Prohibitions
- Part 212: Process Operations
- Part 213: Contaminant Emissions from Ferrous Jobbing Foundries
- Part 214: By-Product Coke Oven Batteries
- Part 215: Open Fires
- Part 216: Iron and/or Steel Processes
- Part 217: Motor Vehicle Emissions
- Subpart 217-1: Motor Vehicle Enhanced Inspection and Maintenance Program Requirements Until December 31, 2010
- Subpart 217-2: [Repealed]
- Subpart 217-3: Idling Prohibition for Heavy Duty Vehicles
- Subpart 217-4: Inspection and Maintenance Program Audits Until December 31, 2010
- Subpart 217-5: Heavy Duty Inspection and Maintenance Program (Westlaw outdated, view current regulations)
- Subpart 217-6: Motor Vehicle Enhanced Inspection and Maintenance Program Requirements Beginning January 1, 2011
- Part 218: Emission Standards For Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Engines (Westlaw outdated, view current regulations)
- Subpart 218-1: Applicability and Definitions
- Subpart 218-2: Certification and Prohibitions
- Subpart 218-3: Fleet Average
- Subpart 218-4: Zero Emission Vehicle Sales Mandate
- Subpart 218-5: Testing
- Subpart 218-6: Surveillance
- Subpart 218-7: Aftermarket Parts
- Subpart 218-8: Greenhouse Gas Exhaust Emission Standards
- Subpart 218-9: Emissions Control System Warranty Requirements
- Subpart 218-10: Recall Requirements
- Subpart 218-11: Environmental Performance Labels
- Subpart 218-12: Severability
- Part 219: Incinerators
- Subpart 219-1: Incineration - General Provisions
- Subpart 219-2: Municipal and Private Solid Waste Incineration Facilities
- Subpart 219-3: Hospital/Medical/Infectious Waste Incineration Facilities
- Subpart 219-4: Human and Animal Crematories
- Subpart 219-5: [Repealed]
- Subpart 219-6: [Repealed]
- Subpart 219-7: Mercury Emission Limitations for Large Municipal Waste Combustors Constructed on or before September 20, 1994
- Subpart 219-8: Emission Guidelines and Compliance Times for Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units Constructed on or before August 30, 1999
- Subpart 219-9: Emission Guidelines and Compliance Schedules for Existing Sewage Sludge Incineration Units
- Subpart 219-10 Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) For Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) at Municipal and Private Solid Waste Incineration Units
- Part 220: Portland Cement Plants and Glass Plants
- Part 221: Asbestos-Containing Surface Coating Material
- Part 222: Distributed Generation Sources
- Part 223: Petroleum Refineries
- Part 224: Sulfuric and Nitric Acid Plants
- Part 225: Fuel Composition and Use
- Part 226: Solvent Cleaning Processes and Industrial Cleaning Solvents
- Part 227: Stationary Combustion Installations
- Part 228: Surface Coating Processes, Commercial and Industrial Adhesives, Sealants and Primers
- Part 229: Petroleum and Volatile Organic Liquid Storage and Transfer
- Part 230: Gasoline Dispensing Sites and Transport Vehicles
- Part 231: New Source Review for New and Modified Facilities
- Subpart 231-1: Requirements for Emission Sources Subject to the Regulation Prior to November 15, 1992
- Subpart 231-2: Requirements for Emission Units Subject to the Regulation on or after November 15, 1992 and Prior to February 19, 2009
- Subpart 231-3: General Provisions
- Subpart 231-4: Definitions
- Subpart 231-5: New Major Facilities and Modifications to Existing Non-Major Facilities in Nonattainment Areas, and Attainment Areas of the State Within the Ozone Transport Region
- Subpart 231-6: Modifications to Existing Major Facilities in Nonattainment Areas and Attainment Areas of the State within the Ozone Transport Region
- Subpart 231-7: New Major Facilities and Modifications to Existing Non-major Facilities in Attainment Areas (Prevention of Significant Deterioration)
- Subpart 231-8: Modifications to Existing Major Facilities in Attainment Areas (Prevention of Significant Deterioration)
- Subpart 231-9: Plantwide Applicability Limitation (PAL)
- Subpart 231-10: Emission Reduction Credits (ERCs)
- Subpart 231-11: Permit and Reasonable Possibility Requirements
- Subpart 231-12: Ambient Air Quality Impact Analysis
- Subpart 231-13: Tables and Emission Thresholds
- Part 232: Dry Cleaning Facilities
- Part 233: Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Manufacturing Processes
- Part 234: Graphic Arts
- Part 235: Consumer Products
- Subpart 235-1: Applicability
- Subpart 235-2: Definitions
- Subpart 235-3: Standards
- Subpart 235-4: Exemptions
- Subpart 235-5: Innovative Products
- Subpart 235-6: Administrative Requirements
- Subpart 235-7: Reporting Requirements
- Subpart 235-8: Variances
- Subpart 235-9: Test Methods
- Subpart 235-10: Severability
- Subpart 235-11: Alternative Control Plan (ACP) for Consumer Products
- Part 236: Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Facility Component Leaks
- Part 237: [Repealed]
- Part 238: [Repealed]
- Part 239: Portable Fuel Container Spillage Control
- Subpart 239-1: Applicability
- Subpart 239-2: Definitions
- Subpart 239-3: Performance Standards for Portable Fuel Containers and Spill-Proof Spouts
- Subpart 239-4: Exemptions
- Subpart 239-5: Innovative Products
- Subpart 239-6: Administrative Requirements
- Subpart 239-7: Variances
- Subpart 239-8: Test Procedures
- Subpart 239-9: Severability
- Part 240: Transportation Conformity
- Part 241: Asphalt Pavement and Asphalt Based Surface Coating
- Part 242: CO2 Budget Trading Program
- Subpart 242-1: CO2 Budget Trading Program General Provisions
- Subpart 242-2: CO2 Authorized Account Representative for CO2 Budget Sources
- Subpart 242-3: Permits
- Subpart 242-4: Compliance Certification
- Subpart 242-5: CO2 Allowance Allocations
- Subpart 242-6: CO2 Allowance Tracking System
- Subpart 242-7: CO2 Allowance Transfers
- Subpart 242-8: Monitoring and Reporting
- Subpart 242-9: Reserved
- Subpart 242-10: CO2 Emissions Offset Projects
- Part 243: CSAPR NOx Ozone Season Group 2 Trading Program
- Part 244: CSAPR NOx Annual Trading Program
- Part 245: CSAPR SO2 Group 1 Trading Program
- Part 246: Mercury Reduction Program for Coal-Fired Electric Utility Steam Generating Units
- Part 247: Outdoor Wood Boilers
- Part 248: Use of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel and Best Available Retrofit Technology for Heavy Duty Vehicles
- Subpart 248-1: Definitions
- Subpart 248-2: Applicability
- Subpart 248-3: Compliance Requirements
- Subpart 248-4: Waiver Provisions
- Subpart 248-5: Vehicle and Equipment Labeling Requirements
- Subpart 248-6: Reporting Requirements
- Subpart 248-7: Recordkeeping Requirements
- Subpart 248-8: Contractor Compliance Requirements
- Subpart 248-9: Right of Entry
- Subpart 248-10: Non-compliance
- Subpart 248-11: Severability
- Part 249: Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART)
- Part 250: [Repealed]
- Part 251: CO2 Performance Standards for Major Electric Generating Facilities
- Part 252: [Repealed]
- Part 253: [Repealed]
- Part 254: [Repealed]
- Subchapter B: Air Quality Classifications and Standards
- Part 255: [Repealed]
- Part 256: [Repealed]
- Part 257: Air Quality Standards
- Subpart 257-1: Air Quality Standards-General
- Subpart 257-2: Air Quality Standards-Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
- Subpart 257-3: Air Quality Standards-Particulates
- Subpart 257-4: Air Quality Standards-Flourides
- Subpart 257-5: Air Quality Standards-Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
- Subpart 257-6: [Repealed]
- Subpart 257-7: [Repealed]
- Subpart 257-8: [Repealed]
- Subpart 257-9: [Repealed]
- Subpart 257-10: [Repealed]
- Part 258: [Repealed]
- Subchapter C: [Repealed]