Technical Guidance For Site Investigation And Remediation (DER-10)
Policy Document and Links to Related References
DER-10 provides an overview of the site investigation and remediation process for DEC's remedial programs administered by the Division of Environmental Remediation (DER). These include the Inactive Hazardous Waste Disposal Site Remedial Program, known as the State Superfund Program (SSF); Brownfield Cleanup Program (BCP); Environmental Restoration Program (ERP); and Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP); and certain petroleum releases.
- DER-10 Technical Guidance for Site Investigation and Remediation (PDF, 900 KB) Issued 05/03/2010; Effective 06/18/2010. Errata Sheet last revised 04/09/2019, which is a listing of DER-10 corrections with citations and page numbers provided to indicate where the corrected text should reside. These changes will be made to DER-10 in a future revision, once Part 375 regulations have been amended (proposed rulemaking package is currently being drafted).
- Standards, Criteria and Guidance for DER-10
- Generic Remedial Action Objectives (RAOs)
- DER-10 Chapter by Chapter Tables Which Provide Links to Referenced Materials, Publications, Templates and Further Information
- DER-10 PowerPoint Presentations (PDF, 4.54 MB) from the DER-10: Technical Guidance for Site Investigation and Remediation - October 7, 2010 Public Seminar.
- Request to Import/Reuse Fill or Soil (PDF, 101 KB) - A fillable-form summarizing the information required by DER-10 for the import of backfill or soil cover material to a remediation site. This should be submitted to the DEC project manager with at least 5 business days for review.
List of Acronyms for Rules and Regulations Identified in DER-10
- "CFR" stands for the Code of Federal Regulations
- "NYCRR" stands for the Official Compilation of New York Code, Rules and Regulations
- "OSWER" stands for the USEPA Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response
- "PWS" stands for Public Water Supply
- "RCRA" stands for the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
- "SCGs" stands for standards, criteria and guidance
- "SPDES" stands for State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
- "SPOTS" stands for Spill Prevention Operational and Technical Series
- "STARS" stands for Spill Technology and Remediation Series
- "TAGM" stands for Technical and Administrative Guidance Memorandum
- "TOGS" stands for Technical and Operational Guidance Series
- "UIC" stands for Underground Injection Control
- "USC" stands for United States Code
- "USEPA" stands for United States Environmental Protection Agency
Contact for this Page
Division of Environmental Remediation
625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12233
Phone: 518-402-9543
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New York State