The following is a synopsis of the department's campground rules and regulations. The complete text of the rules and regulations is found in Part 190 Title 6NYCRR of Environmental Conservation law.
- All persons entering a campground must register.
- All campers must obtain a camping permit.
- Campers may check in from 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. but must register and occupy their campsite by 9:00 p.m. on the first night of their reservation or the campsite will be subject to re-rental and fees may be forfeited.
- Campers must vacate their campsite no later than 11:00 a.m. on the final day.
- Camping permits will not be issued for more than 14 nights but may be renewed depending upon availability of sites.
- From July 1 through Labor Day only 14 cumulative nights of camping can be obtained at any campground. This is to ensure that new campers can enjoy their right to camp.
- Campers must be at least 18-years old to get a permit. Permit holders must have identification and proof of age and furnish the full names of everyone in the camping party.
- The permit holder is responsible for the conduct of everyone under 18 years old and is liable for any violations of the rules and regulations.
- All campers under 18 years old must be accompanied and supervised by the permit holder.
- Campsite occupancy is limited to 6 persons per campsite, two tents or one hard-wheeled equipment and one tent, and two vehicles (campsite occupancy will vary for Family campsites).
- All campers will occupy and place equipment only on the assigned campsite.
- Any tent or other camping equipment left unoccupied for more than 48 hours may be taken down and removed.
- The use of generators may be limited to no more than 5 hours per day and fall between the hours of 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. daily. Violators of this policy may be evicted.
- Customers requiring specialized medical equipment, such as sleep apnea machines, must find alternate methods for charging/powering if outside designated generator use hours listed above.
- Alternate methods of charging/powering include, but are not limited to:
- Battery powered sleep apnea machines.
- Power inverters (e.g. Pure Sine Wave inverters for sensitive equipment) that can run off a vehicle battery for shorter periods of time.
- A secondary/supplementary 12v battery.
- Alternate methods of charging/powering include, but are not limited to:
Members of the public with concerns over use of medical equipment and/or generator use should visit DEC’s Accessibility page for procedures or reasonable accommodations
Day Use
- Anyone who is not camping is a day-user. Day-use hours are from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Day-users are not allowed between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m.
Firewood Alert - "Don't Move Firewood"
By transporting firewood, you could be spreading diseases and invasive insects that can quickly kill large numbers of trees. Help stop the spread and obey the Firewood Regulation. If you have questions regarding this regulation, please call this toll-free number: 1-866-640-0652 or e-mail: [email protected]
- All fires must be built in the fireplaces provided for that purpose.
- No fires are permitted except for cooking, warmth, or smudge.
- No fire shall be started until all nearby flammable material has been removed to prevent its spread.
- Firewood cannot be gathered on site except from dead and down trees.
- Fires cannot be left unattended.
General Behavior
- Quiet must be observed between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.
- Gambling is prohibited.
- No person shall deface or remove department signs, structures, or barriers.
- No person shall remove or injure any plants, trees, flowers, or rocks found on state land.
- No person shall deposit garbage or refuse on state land or structures.
- No person shall possess fireworks.
- No person shall post signs or notices on state land.
- No person shall intentionally expose themselves in a lewd manner.
- No person shall obstruct vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
- No person shall engage in fighting or violent, tumultuous, or threatening behavior; or engage in any other activity which violates the Penal Law.
- No person shall play athletic games other activities of a rough or boisterous nature except in designated game areas.
- No person shall possess firearms except during the spring and fall hunting seasons.
- No person shall discharge firearms.
Swimming and Beaches
- Swimming at DEC campgrounds is unsupervised by lifeguards. DEC advises those wishing to swim to access the water from the designated beach area(s) only. Beaches are maintained and patrolled by campground staff.
- Swimming is prohibited from one-half hour before sunset to one-half hour after sunrise. Changing into or out of bathing suits or clothing is prohibited except in fully enclosed tents, trailers, or in bathhouses.
- Possession of alcoholic beverages or glass containers at the beach is prohibited.
- No water toys, tubes or floating devices are permitted on the beach with the exception of Coast Guard approved personal flotation devices.
- Proof of a valid rabies inoculation must be provided before any dog is allowed in a campground.
- Rabies certificate or tag dated for current year are acceptable forms of proof.
- Dogs and other pets are not permitted at the beach, in picnic areas, or in any building.
- Pets must be confined or leashed to restrict them to the campsite of the owner.
- Dogs cannot be left unattended. Barking or vicious dogs must be removed from the campground.
- Dogs may be walked on a leash - no longer than 6 feet, provided they are under control at all times.
- Dog owners must properly dispose of the animal’s excrement.
- Pets are PROHIBITED on Lake George Islands campsites and day use islands (including Glen Island’s mainland campsites, all docks or any vessels moored at docks) or on Temple Knoll, Flirtation, and Waltonian Islands campsites at Rogers Rock Campground.
- Horses are allowed at Bear Spring Mtn., Frontier Town, and Luzerne Campgrounds with proof of a negative Coggins certificate. Out-of-state horse owners must have a 30-day health certificate, and patrons must always carry horses’ health papers with them.
Motor Vehicles and Boats
- No person shall operate a motor vehicle at a speed in excess of the posted speed limit.
- No person shall fail to comply with any traffic control sign or device.
- No person shall park or stand a motor vehicle on any campground roadway.
- Boats and other watercraft are not allowed in the beach area.
- No person under 21-years of age shall possess alcoholic beverages.
- Persons aged 21 or over who possess or consume alcoholic beverages must produce adequate identification and proof of age upon request.
Commercial Activity
- No person shall sell any articles, commodities, or services without a department permit.
- The sale of all alcoholic beverages is prohibited except by concessionaires.
Instructions from Department Employees
- No person shall fail to comply with a lawful instruction of a department employee.
- No person shall fail to comply with the instructions contained on a department sign.
- No person shall attempt to prevent employees from performing their duties by means of intimidation, physical force, or interference.
- Violation of any campground rule is grounds for eviction. Anyone who is evicted is not entitled to a refund or to return for one week.