Western New York has a great diversity of fisheries from small headwater streams supporting native brook trout to the expansive waters of Lake Erie, Niagara River, and Lake Ontario. Each year, DEC Region 9 Fisheries carry out fish population surveys, water quality assessments, and angler use surveys in the lakes, streams and rivers of Western NY. This is done to monitor population trends and recommend management and regulation changes. Our goal is to provide a diversity of high-quality angling opportunities, while also protecting and enhancing the valuable fishing resources.
Fisheries Dictionary
Download the Fisheries Management Dictionary (PDF) for definitions of commonly used technical terms in DEC Bureau of Fisheries reports.
Management/Study Plans
Big Panfish Initiative Study Plan (Silver Lake | Bear Lake)
Inland Trout Stream Management Plan
Sauger Management Plan
Upper Cattaraugus Creek Fisheries Management Plan, 2019-2030 (PDF)
Survey/Research Reports
Angler Surveys
Genesee River Angler Diary Program Results (2020) (PDF)
Upper Cattaraugus Creek Angler Survey Results - Brief Overview (2020) (PDF)
Upper Cattaraugus Creek Angler Survey Results - Full Report (2020) (PDF)
Habitat Restoration Surveys
Clear Creek – Arcade Trout Habitat Enhancement Survey (2023) (PDF)
Clear Creek – Ellington Trout Habitat Enhancement Survey (2023) (PDF)
Crow Creek Tributary Trout Population Estimate (2023) (PDF)
Elton Creek Trout Habitat Enhancement Survey (2023) (PDF)
Goodell Creek Stream Habitat Restoration Evaluation (2019) (PDF)
Indian Creek Stream Survey (2020) (PDF)
Indian Creek Trout Stream Survey (2023) (PDF)
McKinstry Creek Trout Habitat Enhancement Survey (2023) (PDF)
Spring Mills Creek Fish Passage Enhancement Survey (2024) (PDF)
Trout Brook Beaver Impoundment Impacts on Trout Populations Study (2024) (PDF)
Wiscoy Creek Trout Habitat Enhancement Survey (2023) (PDF)
Wiscoy Creek Habitat Restoration Pre-Project Survey (2024) (PDF)
Wiscoy Creek – Grey Cabin Trout Habitat Enhancement Survey (2024) (PDF)
Wiscoy Creek Trout Stream Pre-Habitat Improvement Survey (2024) (PDF)
Fish Kill Investigation Surveys
Oatka Creek Pollution Investigation Trout Stream Survey (2024) (PDF)
Warmwater Surveys
Allegheny River Sauger Reintroduction (2018) (PDF)
Buffalo Harbor and Niagara River Young-of-year Muskellunge Survey (2019) (PDF)
Chautauqua Lake Annual Fall Walleye Survey (2019) (PDF)
Chautauqua Lake Annual Muskellunge Trap Net Survey (2018) (PDF)
Chautauqua Lake Young-of-Year Muskellunge Survey (2018) (PDF)
Silver Lake Bass and Sunfish Survey (2023) (PDF)
Silver Lake Early-Spring Walleye Survey (2019) (PDF)
Silver Lake Fall Walleye Survey (2018) (PDF)
Coldwater Surveys
Bay State Brook Trout Population Evaluation (2018) (PDF)
Bay State Brook (T-2e) Fisheries Survey (2019) (PDF)
Bay State Brook (T-3) Fisheries Survey (2019) (PDF)
Beehunter Creek Trout Population Estimate (2020) (PDF)
Bova Creek Trout Population Evaluation (2023) (PDF)
Cain Hollow Fisheries Survey (2019) (PDF)
California Hollow Brook Stocked Trout Stream Survey (2020) (PDF)
Cattaraugus Creek Trout Population Estimate (2019) (PDF)
Chautauqua Creek (Unnamed Tributary) Trout Survey (2023) (PDF)
Chenunda Creek Trout Population Evaluation (2020) (PDF)
Cherry Creek Trout Population Evaluation (2020) (PDF)
Clear Creek (Arcade) Trout Population Estimate (2021) (PDF)
Clear Creek (Ellington) Trout Population Estimate (2021) (PDF)
Conewango Creek Trout Stream Survey (2023) (PDF)
Dyke Creek Trout Population Evaluation (2019) (PDF)
Elm Creek Trout Population Estimate (2021) (PDF)
Elton Creek Trout Population Estimate (2022) (PDF)
English Creek Trout Survey (2019) (PDF)
Ford Brook Trout Population Evaluation (2019) (PDF)
Fulmer Valley Creek Trout Population Estimate (2018) (PDF)
Great Valley Creek (T-19) Fisheries Survey (2019) (PDF)
Hosmer Brook Trout Population Estimate (2022) (PDF)
Lime Lake Outlet Trout Population Estimate (2022) (PDF)
Lonkto Hollow Trout Population Evaluation (2018) (PDF)
Mansfield Creek Trout Stream Survey (2021) (PDF)
McKinstry Creek Trout Population Estimate (2022) (PDF)
Mud Creek (Fenton Brook) Trout Population Estimate (2022) (PDF)
Mud Creek (Fenton Brook) Trout Stream Surveys (2023) (PDF)
Oatka Creek Trout Population Estimate (2020) (PDF)
Orebed Creek Trout Population Evaluation (2019) (PDF)
Oatka Creek Trout Stocking Experiment (2019) (PDF)
Root Creek Stocked Trout Stream Survey (2020) (PDF)
Spring Brook (Wiscoy Creek Tributary) Trout Stream Survey (2024) (PDF)
Spring Brook Trout Population Estimate (2020) (PDF)
Spring (Flynn) Brook Trout Population Evaluation (2022) (PDF)
Spring Mills Creek Trout Population Evaluation (2020) (PDF)
Stoddard Creek Trout Population Estimate (2019) (PDF)
Stoddard Creek (T-1) Trout Evaluation (2019) (PDF)
Stony Brook Trout Population Evaluation (2018) (PDF)
The Ram Trout Population Estimate (2021) (PDF)
Trout Brook Trout Population Estimate (2021) (PDF)
Wing Creek Trout Survey (2023) (PDF)
Wing Creek (Unnamed Tributary) Trout Survey (2023) (PDF)
Wiscoy Creek Trout Population Estimate (2022) (PDF)
Wiscoy Creek Young-of-Year Trout Population Estimate (2023) (PDF)
Wiscoy Creek Stocked Trout Survey (2023) (PDF)
Wiscoy Creek (North Branch) Trout Population Estimate (2021) (PDF)
Wiscoy Creek (North Branch) Young-of-Year Trout Population Estimate (2023) (PDF)
Wiscoy Creek (Unnamed Tributary T-11) Trout Stream Survey (2024) (PDF)
Wiscoy Creek (Unnamed Tributary T-20) Trout Stream Survey (2024) (PDF)