The Lake Ontario Fisheries Advisory Panel (LOFAP) serves as an advisory body to provide DEC Fisheries managers insight and non-binding recommendations on issues with the Lake Ontario fishery.
Members play several roles, including:
- Providing first-hand perspective on the status of the fishery to the DEC;
- Serving as a sounding board for the development and assessment of fisheries management objectives and actions designed to sustain and improve the fishery;
- Aiding in information transfer to the angling public by communicating the science and actions associated with fisheries management to anglers within their respective lake management areas;
- Acting as stakeholder voices for the wants and desires of New York anglers as they relate to the development of shared management actions between New York and Canada.
Geographic area covered: New York waters of Lake Ontario, including the lower Niagara River and all other tributaries, but does not include the St. Lawrence River.
Species of focus: Chinook Salmon, Coho Salmon, Atlantic Salmon, Lake Trout, Brown Trout, and Rainbow Trout (steelhead) and the prey fish these predators rely upon. Other species may also be considered at the discretion of the DEC.
Members represent a cross-section of lake and tributary anglers from both the "for-hire" and "recreation" sectors. Four representatives (2 open lake and 2 tributary anglers) are appointed for each of four Lake Management Areas (West, West Central, East Central, and East).
Fishery Represented | Management Area | Member(s) |
Open Lake | West | Vince Pierleoni Bob Songin |
West Central | Jerry Felluca Rob Westcott | |
East Central | Brian Garrett Mike Wilkinson | |
East | Tom Burke Mike Howard | |
Tributary | West | Frank Campbell Ron Bierstine |
West Central | Brandon Stephens Charlie Knauf | |
East Central | Andy Bliss Wayne Weber | |
East | Elaine Supp Jim Marscher | |
At Large | All | Joe Yeager |
DEC Participation
Membership from the DEC includes:
- Fisheries Managers from Regions 6, 7, 8, and 9
- Lake Ontario Fisheries Unit Biologists
- Lake Ontario Fisheries Unit Leader
- Chief of Fisheries
Other DEC staff involved in Lake Ontario fisheries management may also be included as necessary.
The LOFAP meetings are for members only; however, the public is encouraged to present issues or concerns that can be addressed at future meetings by reaching out to individual panel members or by sending an email to [email protected].
Meeting Minutes
March 7, 2024 (PDF)
October 4, 2023 (PDF)
April 11, 2023 (PDF)
January 17, 2023 (PDF)
October 5, 2022 (PDF)