Boquet River Landlocked Salmon Fishing
Much of the Boquet River salmon fishery occurs below the dam and fishway in the Village of Willsboro, Essex County, which is located on Route 22 about 30 miles south of the City of Plattsburgh. During the spring, salmon do not progress past the rapids or the fishway. At this time, the flatwater section (see location in the Access section below) provides most of the angling action. Try trolling or casting from small boats. Wading anglers can fish the pools above the flatwater, but downstream of the cascades below the Willsboro Dam. Fall-run salmon migrate further upstream, challenging the rapids on their way to spawning habitat. For the best fishing, try the pools downstream of the above noted boundary, and pools from the Route 22 bridge upstream to the impassible falls in Wadhams. For more details on when and how to catch salmon in the Boquet River, visit the Lake Champlain Tributaries Salmon Fishing overview page.
Anglers can reach the Village of Willsboro via Interstate highway 87 (Adirondack Northway) Exits 31-33 with Route 22 from Exit 33 being the least confusing route from the interstate. The dam at Willsboro is located downstream from the Route 22 bridge, which crosses the river in the middle of town. Take Mill or School Street (found on either side of the river) to the parking areas located beyond the paved sections. School Street also leads to a cartop boat launch that provides access to about 2 miles of flatwater which leads to the river mouth at Lake Champlain.
Be aware that angling is prohibited from a marked boundary below the dam (at the base of the cascades section) upstream to Route 22.
Anglers should check the Boquet River Flows on the US Geological Survey website (leaves DEC website) before wading or accessing the water.
Lake Champlain and Tributaries Special Fishing Regulations Apply. Anglers are reminded that fall regulations restrict the use of weighted baits, lures, and flies.