How DEC Estimates the Annual Deer and Bear Harvest
Each year, DEC uses two sources of information to estimate the number of deer and bears that were harvested by hunters: hunter harvest reports submitted by hunters and the physical examination of ~14,000 harvested deer and ~400 bears by DEC biologists and cooperating taxidermists. Successful hunters contribute a vital component to the harvest estimation process by reporting their deer and bear harvests within 7 days as required by law, and may do so online, through the HuntFishNY Mobile App, or by calling 1-866-426-3778 (1-866-GAMERPT). Additionally, DEC provides postcard report forms to hunters who do not possess a telephone.
Watch the short video below to learn more about how DEC uses hunter harvest reports and the physical examination of harvested deer and bears to estimate the annual deer and bear harvest.