Cayuga-Tompkins Cooperative Hunting Area (King Ferry)
General Information
The Cayuga-Tompkins Cooperative Hunting Area, more commonly referred to as King Ferry, offers hunting opportunities for pheasant, waterfowl, deer, and small game from October 1 through the close of late waterfowl season. Hunting is by permit only. The Cooperative is located in northern Tompkins and southern Cayuga counties near the hamlet of King Ferry. All hunters must fill out and return the Cayuga-Tompkins Cooperative Hunting Area Rules and Concepts (PDF) and the Cooperative Registration Form (PDF). These forms will only be accepted by DEC between September 1 and the close of the late waterfowl season.
Hunting Permits
Reservations must be made one day prior to the day on which a person(s) wishes to hunt by calling 315-364-7777 between 1 PM and 3 PM. Reservations are taken by telephone only. One reservation per party per day. Cancellations must be made before legal shooting time on the day of the hunt.
- Parties holding a reservation must check in the day of the hunt prior to 9 AM. Failure to check in will result in the cancellation of one's reservation and a loss of privileges. Before hunting, every person in the party must present their hunting license and other necessary documentation (i.e. duck stamp) to register for the year.
- Parties without a reservation may hunt stand-by on a first come, first served basis if there are hunting areas available. They must register their information with the Co-op prior to hunting.
- All hunters must check out in person regardless of whether or not any game was taken. If no staff are present at the time of check out, a sign out/harvest report form will be provided. Everyone must sign themselves out. This will be strictly enforced.
- All permittees must be completely checked out by one hour after legal shooting time ends and present any game taken at this time. Every party member must be present at check out. Failure to check out or to check out on time may result in the loss of hunting privileges.
Optional Permit Reservation
- After a hunter has checked in once during the season, showing all appropriate licenses, stamps, etc., they have the "option" to go directly to the parking area they have reserved rather than stop by the check station (this is referred to as an "optional privilege")*. The party must arrive at the parking area by legal shooting time, or call to cancel their reservation by legal shooting time. *Pheasant hunters do not get optional privileges.
- The party must notify the check station prior to 9 AM if they cannot hunt, or of any permit changes (such as hunters) occur. Failure to do so will result in the forfeiture of their hunting privileges for the remainder of the season.
- Pheasant hunters must always check in (no optional privileges allowed).
- All parties must end hunting activities by sunset and be completely checked out in person no later than one hour after sunset. All game taken must be presented at this time.
General Regulations
- Do not block farm lanes (including the one in the check station parking lot).
- Do not trespass. Stay within the posted boundary and respect the adjacent land owners' property. Ask for an aerial photo at the check station if you are unsure of boundaries. Trespassing will result in a loss of privileges for the remainder of the season.
- Vehicles must be parked at their designated area, in front of the red and white area sign.
- No person shall:
- Consistently shoot high (skybust)
- Engage in disorderly conduct
- Be intoxicated
- Destroy crops in any manner
- Drive afield
- Cross any roads or boundaries
Special Regulations
Pheasant Hunting
- Pheasant hunters must check in every day (no optional privileges).
- Pheasant are regularly stocked on the hunting areas and equitably distributed.
- This is a cock only hunting area. Do not shoot hens. Daily limit: 2 per hunter.
- Hunters must come to the check station to switch hunting areas.
Waterfowl Hunting
- Please refer to the federal waterfowl guide for regulations, except for the following:
- No person shall possess more than 25 shells per day.
- All parties must use decoys.
- If hunting a field, check with co-op staff for checkout time.
Lake Blinds
- Hunters must have a retrieving dog or boat.
- Hunting is restricted to the blinds with a maximum of three hunters in a blind at one time.
- All shooting must be from the blinds except when retrieving crippled waterfowl.
- All downed waterfowl must be retrieved immediately.
- Hunters must pick up their dispensed shells before leaving the area.
Deer Hunting
- All deer stands must be removed daily.
- No deer stands with screw in steps are allowed.
- Deer hunters are allowed a 2 hour lunch break while hunting a single area for the day.
- All hunters (including those using an optional privilege) must check out in person at the end of the day, no later than one hour after legal shooting time ends.
These regulations are enforceable by Title 6 NYCRR Part 73. Hunters may be ejected from the area and hunting privileges revoked if they fail to abide by any area regulations.
Maps of Cooperative Hunting Areas
Aerial maps of the Cooperative Hunting Areas are available to assist hunters in choosing a spot to hunt. They are in PDF format.
- Overall Cooperative Area Map (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 1 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 2 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 3 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 5 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 6 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 7 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 9 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 10 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 12 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 14 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 20 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 21 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 23 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 27 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 28 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 29 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 30 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 32 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 36 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 37 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 39 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 41 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 43 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 47 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 51 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 52 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 56 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 59 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 61 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 64 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 65 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 66 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 73 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 74 (PDF)
- Cooperative Area 77 (PDF)
- Cooperative Blind Areas 33 and 34 (PDF)
- Cooperative Blind Areas 46 and 48 (PDF)
- Cooperative Blind Areas 75, 76, and 78 (PDF)