This information is excerpted from the Hunting and Trapping Regulations Guide and presented here as a summary. Consult the regulations guide before heading afield.
For complete reference, please consult the NYS Environmental Conservation Law, Chapter 1, Volume 6 of the Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York, and Title 50, of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 20.
Bobwhite Quail Hunting Seasons
Bobwhite Quail Hunting Seasons and Bag Limits
Cottontail Rabbit Hunting Seasons
Attention Rabbit Hunters:
Hunters Needed for the New England Cottontail Survey! Rabbit hunters in Rensselaer, Columbia, Dutchess, Putnam, and Westchester counties can participate in a survey to help determine the distribution of New England cottontails.
RHDV2 is a deadly virus of domestic and wild rabbits. Learn what you can do to stop the spread! (PDF)
Cottontail Rabbit Hunting Seasons Map
Pheasant Hunting Seasons
Pheasant Hunting Season Dates and Bag Limits
Ruffed Grouse Hunting Seasons
Attention Grouse Hunters:
Be aware of the presence of the state-endangered Spruce Grouse in WMUs 5C, 5F, 6F, and 6J. Know the difference!
Grouse hunters needed for the Cooperator Ruffed Grouse Hunting Log and Grouse Parts Collection.
You may not shoot woodcock unless you have registered with the Harvest Information Program (HIP).
Ruffed Grouse Hunting Season Dates
Squirrel Hunting Seasons
Squirrel Hunting Season Dates and Bag Limits
Varying Hare Hunting Seasons
Got Hare?
DEC wants to learn more about the occurrence and distribution of varying hare (also known as snowshoe hare) throughout New York. You can report your observations using our Furbearer Sighting Survey or by e-mailing us. Thanks for your help!
Varying Hare Hunting Season Dates and Bag Limits
Reptile and Amphibian Hunting Seasons
"Frogs" are defined as eastern spadefoot toad, eastern American toad, Fowler's toad, northern cricket frog, northern gray treefrog, northern spring peeper, western chorus frog, bullfrog, green frog, mink frog, wood frog, northern leopard frog, southern leopard frog, and pickerel frog.
A fishing or hunting license is required to take frogs with a spear, club, hook, or by hand. A hunting license is required to take frogs with a gun or bow.
Open Season: June 15 through September 30
Open Area: All wildlife management units except that: (1) leopard frogs shall not be taken in wildlife management units 1A, 1C, or 2A; and (2) northern cricket frogs and eastern spadefoot toads shall not be taken in any area of the state.
Size Limit: None
Daily Bag: None
Season Bag: None
Hunting Hours: Any time of the day or night, except that no person shall use a gun to take frogs when hunting at night (sunset to sunrise).
The closure of the diamondback terrapin season went into effective on May 1, 2018.
The only turtle species for which there is an open hunting season is the snapping turtle. You may not harvest, take, or possess any other turtle species at any time.
- A hunting license is required to take snapping turtles. The only legal implement for taking snapping turtles is a firearm or a bow.
- If you choose to eat snapping turtles, you should carefully trim all fat and discard fat, liver, and eggs prior to cooking to reduce exposure to contaminants. For information on this health advisory, call 1-800-458-1158 or visit the New York State Department of Health website in the right column.
Open Season: July 15 through September 30
Open Area: Statewide
Size Limit: The upper shell (carapace) must measure 12 inches or longer in a straight line.
Daily Bag: 5
Season Bag: 30
Hunting Hours: Any time of the day or night.
Snakes, Lizards, and Salamanders
You may not harvest, take, or possess any native snakes, lizards, or salamanders at any time.