The following areas are closed to the hand-harvest of Horseshoe Crabs

Prohibited area for hand harvest of horseshoe crabs for Fire Island National Seashore: The entre Fire Island National Seashore, areas extending 4,000 feet into Great South Bay, and the area 1,000 feet into the Atlantic Ocean, east from Robert Moses to midline of Moriches Inlet, are all closed to hand harvest of horseshoe crabs.

Prohibited area or hand harvest of horseshoe crabs in Mt. Sinai Harbor: All of Cedar Beach Park landward of the mean high tide line, the area seaward 300 feet into Mt. Sinai Harbor, which continues around the point through the inlet ad extends 300 feet into Long Island Sound, are all closed to hand harvest of horseshoe crabs.

Prohibited area for hand harvest of horseshoe crabs at West Meadow Beach: All of West meadow Beach landward to the mean high tide line, areas continuing 3,000 feet seaward from the mean high tide line at the north end of the West Meadow Beach parking lot, then a line at a 90 degree angle south towards the channel, ending at the channel (indicated by the channel markers) as far as the 3rd groin, are all closed to the hand harvest of horseshoe crabs.

Prohibited area for hand harvest of horseshoe crabs in Gateway National Recreation Area. This area is managed by National Park Service. In accordance with Superintendent's Compendium 36 CFR 2.3(d)(4), commercial fishing is prohibited.