Marine District Party & Charter License
The Party and Charter Boat License allows the license holder to carry recreational fishing passengers for hire on a registered vessel or to land fish taken by recreational fishing passengers outside the territorial waters of the state.
Fee: $250
Age Requirement: Applicants 18 years old or under must have application signed and notarized by parent or legal guardian.
Permit Duration: Permit expires December 31 of each year.
A list of current Party and Charter Boat License holders can be found on Open Data NY. To view the list, click the link and then click the "Data" tab in the upper left corner of the page.
How to Apply
- Download and complete the Marine District Party & Charter License application (PDF)
- Be sure to sign and date on all required documents and include the permit fee.
- Include copies of your valid U.S. Coast Guard Captain's License, the vessel state registration or U.S. Coast Guard Vessel Documentation of the vessel identified on the party and charter boat license, and the Captain's Licenses for all individuals who may operate the vessel.
- If your vessel carries over six (6) passengers, include a copy of U.S. Coast Guard Certificate of Vessel Inspection.
- Submit the completed application by mail or in-person to:
NYSDEC Marine Permit Office, 123 Kings Park Blvd., Kings Park, NY 11754
License Renewal
A renewal form will be sent by mail prior to the permit expiration date. If a license renewal form is not received at least 2-weeks prior to the expiration date, please contact us at the address or number below.
Annual Reporting
The license holder must submit Vessel Trip Reports (VTRs) monthly to DEC (or NMFS if a federal permit holder).
Federal For-hire Vessel Permitting and Reporting
If you are a for-hire captain fishing in federal waters (3-200 miles offshore) for one of the species listed below, you must have a valid Greater Atlantic region Vessel Charter/ Party Permit. Vessel operators are also required to have a Federal Vessel Operator Permit.
- Summer Flounder
- Black Sea Bass
- Scup
- Bluefish
- Atlantic Mackerel
- Squid
- Bluefish
- Lobster
- Butterfish
- Lobster Golden Tilefish (North of NCNA border)
- Blueline Tilefish (North of NCNA border)
- New England Groundfish including cod, haddock, pollack, hakes and flounders (i.e.,"Northeast mutispecies")
However, if you have a Northeast Multispecies limited Access Permit, you do not need the Northeast Multispeices Charter/Party Permit to carry passengers for hire on groundfish trips. For more information visit NOAA Fisheries Vessel and Dealer Permitting website.
For-hire Vessel Trip Reporting
Once you have a federal permit, you must report your catch.
- If you only have a groundfish permit, you must submit vessel trip reports weekly, either electronically or by paper.
- If you have a for-hire permit for any other species listed above, you must submit vessel trip reports electronically within 48 hours of the end of your for-hire trip.
Laws & Regulations
New York Codes Rules and Regulations (NYCRR)
Environmental Conservation Law (ECL)
To find a law click on the link, click on ENV, find Article 13, click on the appropriate law.
Recreational Saltwater Fishing Regulations
Recreational harvest limits for marine fish are available at: Saltwater Fishing Regulations - Recreational